Illinois’ new taxpayer-funded abortion law decried as a ‘grave moral error’

The Catholic Conference of Illinois reacted quickly and strongly Sept. 28 to news that Gov. Bruce Rauner had signed “misguided” legislation that expands public funding of abortion and protects it even if the U.S. Supreme Court would overturn Roe vs. Wade.
“We are deeply disturbed that Governor Rauner has broken his word and firm public promise to veto House Bill 40,” said the conference — the public policy voice of the Illinois Catholic bishops — in a statement.
“Governor Rauner, together with the legislators who voted for this misguided legislation, will now force Illinois taxpayers to pay for the taking of human life, in this case that of a defenseless child in the womb,” the Catholic Conference of Illinois statement continues. “We remain dedicated to advocating for the dignity and sanctity of human life from conception to natural death and will work to convince the public and our elected officials about the grave moral error this legislation represents.”
While the state already covers abortions in cases of rape, incest and when there is a threat to the health and life of the mother, the new law expands taxpayer-subsidized abortions for women covered by Medicaid and state employee insurance.
Illinois Right to Life projected that the measure could mean 12,000 additional abortions per year.
Related editorial: “Not with our tax money”