
‘This job is about service’

For all the power and prestige of politics, educating the young is a more important job than holding public office, says Congressman Ray LaHood. He should know. Rep. LaHood has been both a school teacher in the Diocese of Peoria and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. Rep. LaHood was […]

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Bishop lauds work of women’s commission

Members of the Bishop’s Commission on Women in the Church and in Society of the Diocese of Peoria didn’t come empty-handed to their annual meeting with Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, last week. They brought successes, questions and one request. “You asked us to establish the Christ Child Society in the diocese four years ago […]

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Names sought for diocesan All Souls Mass on Nov. 2

There are very few times during the year when a special celebration takes the place of the Sunday liturgy of the day. The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed or All Souls Day is one of them. A Diocesan All Souls Mass is planned for Sunday, Nov. 2, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. Bishop […]

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Centennial Mass in Dallas City Saturday

DALLAS CITY — For a century, the members of Sacred Heart Mission in Dallas City have worked hard to build up the Catholic Church and the faith in Hancock County wouldn’t be the same without them, according to Father Tony Trosley. “The church there, in the very best sense of the words, is a proud, […]

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Widowed, divorced receive blessing, love, encouragement

Photo Caption: Diocesan Mass for the Widowed and Divorced at St. Mary’s Cathedral Sunday, Oct. 12. By: By Jared Olar In Jesus Christ, all the suffering we endure has value. With those encouraging words, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, welcomed those attending the Diocesan Mass for the Widowed and Divorced on Sunday afternoon at St. […]

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Cheers for St. Bede grad

We don’t tell you for whom to vote in elections. Nor do we take a stand in the heated Cardinals, Cubs, or White Sox baseball debates. But we can report that, as the Major League Baseball World Series approaches, nearly everyone in the LaSalle-Peru area — and certainly everyone at the St. Bede Academy community […]

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Our civic duties

By: By Father Dominic Garramone, OSB Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Oct. 19 Isaiah 45:1,4-6; Psalm 96:1,3,4-5,7-8,9-10; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b; Matthew 22:15-21 Religion and politics is a hot topic these days, especially since in recent years politicians on every level of government have sought to build their political base at least in part upon religious […]

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Bishops urge president to grant Haitians temporary protected status

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The U.S. Catholic bishops have called on President George W. Bush to grant Haitians temporary protected status for the next 18 months, citing pressing humanitarian reasons. Temporary protected status, or TPS, permits nationals of a designated nation who are living in the U.S. to reside in this country legally and to qualify […]

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Pope says God, not people, created the church

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The church is not a club founded by people with a common interest; it is a living body convoked and created by God, Pope Benedict XVI said. It is through the proclamation of the living Christ that “God comes to all peoples and reunites them as one people of God,” the […]

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Mexican church officials oppose legalizing small quantities of drugs

MEXICO CITY (CNS) — Catholic officials in Mexico have come out against a federal proposal that would discard criminal sanctions for people caught carrying small quantities of illegal drugs as long as the users agree to enter treatment programs. “Our position is one of total opposition to the proposals,” Father Hugo Valdemar, spokesman for the […]

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