
As wedding nears, Darin and Molly answer questions

By: Part of a continuing series GENESEO — Darin Ries and Molly McKean knew they had a vocation to marriage long before he asked her to marry him and she said “yes,” so they didn’t shy away from talking about the issues involved in building a life together. Even so, they found it beneficial to […]

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Chillicothe native named Franciscan provincial vicar

Sister M. Kateri Hawley, FSGM, has been named provincial vicar of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George. The appointment, which is for six years, was made Sept. 1 by Mother M. Regina Pacis, FSGM, provincial superior. In her new ministry, Sister M. Kateri is responsible for assisting the provincial superior and […]

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Greatest law is love, bishop reminds Sunday at Red Mass

When it comes to the law of God, Jesus made things very simple for his disciples, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, told the members of the legal profession who came to St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria last Sunday for the Diocesan Red Mass. Questioned by a Pharisee as to which of the 613 prescriptions of […]

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St. Bede renovates cemetery as ‘vision of heavenly homeland’

PERU — As Catholics around the world gather in churches and cemeteries this weekend to remember the saints and all the faithful departed, the monks at St. Bede Abbey have only to visit their newly expanded and renovated cemetery to catch a glimpse of the “heavenly homeland.” The project took years of planning and work […]

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Health care ethics at end of life explored

MORTON — In a culture where aborting babies that have severe deformities and physician-assisted suicide are seen as moral responses to human suffering, Catholic medical professionals must offer compassionate and ethical alternatives. That theme was repeated in a series of talks given at last Thursday’s annual Diocesan Health Care Ethics Day, where the focus was […]

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18 to receive rural life award at Harvest Mass

Eighteen individuals, couples, or families will be recognized at the Harvest Mass of the Diocese of Peoria on Sunday, Nov. 23, as recipients of the 2008 St. Isidore Award for living out their faith in the rural community in an exemplary and responsible manner. The award is named for the patron saint of farmers. The […]

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700 show love for Our Lady

By: By Tom Dermody An 18-month effort to reinvigorate use of the rosary was given a prayerful and emotional launch Sunday during a Diocesan Rosary Festival that demonstrated deep love for the Blessed Virgin Mary. “As a church, we love Our Lady,” said Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, in welcoming about 700 people to the […]

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Praying for the dead

Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, Nov. 2 (Selected from the many options for this day) Wisdom 3:1-9; Psalm 23:1-3a,3b-4,5,6; Romans 5:5-11 or Romans 6:3-9; John 6:37-40 During my years as a Protestant pastor, I thought praying for departed Christians was a waste of time. I acknowledged that many Christians died without completing their journey […]

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Visit a cemetery this weekend

After Mass this weekend, perhaps before heading home or out for errands or brunch, take a short drive to a cemetery in your community. Spend a few moments in prayer for and remembrance of departed loved ones and all who sleep in Christ there. Doing so is always a worthwhile practice, indeed a spiritual work […]

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College of the Holy Cross attempts to reinvent freshman year

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The College of the Holy Cross, a small Jesuit college in Worcester, Mass., has reworked its program for freshmen in the hopes the students not only will adjust more quickly to college life but also will get a jump-start on what school administrators like to call “lifelong learning.” Everything about the program […]

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