Msgr. Philip Halfacre named to succeed Msgr. James Kruse as vicar general

Priests from throughout the Diocese of Peoria stand and applaud Oct. 22 as Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, thanks Msgr. James Kruse (seated) for his eight years as vicar general at the opening of Priest Assembly Days at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. Named to succeed Msgr. Kruse, who is returning to parish ministry, is Msgr. Philip Halfacre, seen standing in the foreground. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)
Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, has appointed Msgr. Philip Halfacre as vicar general of the Diocese of Peoria, succeeding Msgr. James Kruse as one of his primary assistants and advisers in administrative aspects of the diocese. The appointment was announced on Oct. 16 and became effective that day. “I am grateful to Msgr. Halfacre for […]
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