
Priest advises on how to pray through times of trial, adversity

When life takes a challenging turn — such as the loss of a job or financial security — it may seem as though God has abandoned us, but Scripture repeatedly tells us the opposite is true. “It’s no fun going through a trial, but don’t be afraid,” said Msgr. Jason Gray, administrator of St. Vincent […]

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2009 Annual Diocesan Appeal under way

With an invitation to count our blessings even in challenging economic times, the 2009 Annual Diocesan Appeal has opened in parishes across the Diocese of Peoria. “Every day we should count our blessings, especially the fact that we belong to the Catholic Church,” said Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, in a video message promoting the […]

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Diocese now welcoming prayer requests at

A new prayer request feature at the Web site of the Diocese of Peoria has been launched as another way the Catholic community in central Illinois can draw closer to God through the helpful tools of modern digital media. Visitors to the diocesan home page,, can now access the prayer request page, called “Peoria […]

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Holy Family eighth-graders remember Holocaust victims

Remembering the millions of people killed in the Holocaust can help us prevent or stop similar atrocities in the world today. That was one of the important lessons driven home last week for the students of Holy Family School in Peoria as they took part in Holocaust Remembrance Day activities on Monday and Tuesday. On […]

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Deacon named ‘volunteer of the year’

For Deacon Joseph O’Tool of St. John the Apostle Parish in Woodhull, the motivation to visit the inmates at the Henry C. Hill Correctional Center in Galesburg comes down to something very simple. “You really have to believe, ‘When I was in prison, you visited me.’ You have to know the person sitting in front […]

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Hollywood actor to speak at cathedral rosary event May 3

Hollywood actor J. Omar Castro will be present at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on Sunday, May 3, for a Marian prayer event that includes the screening of a segment of the new release “Rosary Stars: Praying the Gospel.” Family Theater Productions announced this week that Castro — one of 21 young adult celebrities featured […]

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Pastor from Normal donates kidney to parishioner

Between 40 and 50 kidney transplants take place at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria every year and last week one of them was made possible by Msgr. Eric Powell, pastor of Epiphany Parish in Normal. Msgr. Powell, 45, donated one of his kidneys to an Epiphany parishioner during a two-hour surgery on Easter […]

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St. Bede plans new on-campus housing

PERU — Responding to renewed interest in providing opportunities for boarding students, St. Bede Academy here broke ground Monday for an on-campus residence that could house 16 female boarding students for the 2009-2010 school year. The Benedictine-run Academy was a boys’ boarding school from 1892 until 1981. “If you speak with alumni who graduated prior […]

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Holy Thursday pilgrimage with bishop draws 200

About 200 pilgrims accompanied Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, as he visited three Peoria churches to pray before the Blessed Sacrament after Mass on Holy Thursday. “The pilgrimage was a resounding success. Look for it again next year,” said Chris Kreps, Bishop Jenky’s administrative assistant. “The bishop wants this to become a tradition.” The ancient […]

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