
‘Post Poll’: Your advice to engaged, newlywed couples?

As wedding season approaches, we ask: 1) What one piece of marriage advice would you offer to a couple getting married in 2009? 2) What one piece of wedding day advice would you offer to engaged couples to help the planning and celebration go more smoothly, and keep it faith-centered? We invite readers to e-mail […]

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Memorial Mass set May 25 at mausoleum chapel

Msgr. William Watson, pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Peoria Heights and president of Peoria Notre Dame High School, will be the celebrant for the Catholic Cemetery Association memorial Mass planned for Monday, May 25. The Mass, which will begin at 9:30 a.m., will take place at Resurrection Mausoleum Chapel, 7519 N. Allen […]

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‘Post Poll’: Your advice to engaged, newlywed couples?

As we enter wedding season, we invite readers to respond to two related questions: 1) What one piece of marriage advice would you offer to a couple getting married in 2009? 2) What one piece of wedding day advice would you offer to engaged couples to help the planning and celebration go more smoothly and […]

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Cemetery in Rock Island to host Mass

ROCK ISLAND — The Knights of Columbus, Allouez Council No. 658, will sponsor a field Mass at Calvary Cemetery on Memorial Day, which is Monday, May 25. It will be held in front of the mausoleum at 31st Avenue and 16th Street at 9 a.m. Organizers said participants may want to bring lawn chairs. The […]

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Christ Child Society now active in Pontiac

PONTIAC — Starting Mother’s Day weekend, the Christ Child Society of Central Illinois will donate five infant layette baskets a month to OSF St. James-John W. Albrecht Medical Center in Pontiac. The social service and pastoral care departments and the obstetrics department director will distribute the layettes to those who need them. The society’s mission […]

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Post, diocesan video archive, including 2009 ADA video

Bishop Jenky explains the need for and benefits of the Annual Diocesan Appeal, now under way in parishes across the Diocese of Peoria. Hollywood actor J. Omar Castro gives a witness talk at the May 3 screening of the new DVD “Rosary Stars: Praying the Gospel” at the cathedral. 1,000 men from across the diocese […]

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‘Post Poll’: Your advice to engaged, newlywed couples?

As we enter wedding season, we invite readers to respond to two related questions:1) What one piece of marriage advice would you offer to a couple getting married in 2009? 2) What one piece of wedding day advice would you offer to engaged couples to help the planning and celebration go more smoothly and keep […]

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Chicago bishop to attend Sheen event on May 8

Bishop Joseph N. Perry, an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago, will join the Diocese of Peoria’s celebrations of the 114th anniversary of the birth of Servant of God Fulton J. Sheen. Bishop Perry will be the guest homilist at the 7:15 p.m. Mass on Friday, May 8, at St. Mary’s Cathedral. A member […]

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Cardinal George at U. of I. May 16 for graduation Mass

URBANA — Cardinal Francis E. George of Chicago and Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, will concelebrate the annual Graduation Mass on Saturday, May 16, at St. John’s Catholic Newman Center on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “With almost 60 percent of the campus from the Chicago-land area, it’s only appropriate that […]

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Post, diocesan video archive, including 2009 ADA video

Bishop Jenky explains the need for and benefits of the Annual Diocesan Appeal, now under way in parishes across the Diocese of Peoria. 1,000 men from across the diocese join Bishop Jenky for “A Call to Catholic Men of Faith” on Saturday, April 25. Rite of Election 2009: Scenes from two joy-filled liturgies at St. […]

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