
Thank you, survey takers

We’re not yet sure what all you have told us, but we’re very sure what we need to tell the more than 1,500 thoughtful Catholics who took the time to respond to the Diocese of Peoria’s communications survey published in the March 8 issue of The Catholic Post, made available online, and sent to a […]

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Urge ‘no’ vote on Illinois FOCA

One week after 4,000 Catholics filled the Capitol Rotunda for the first “Catholics at the Capitol” gathering, the Illinois House’s Human Services Committee voted out a bill Wednesday that should motivate action from Catholic households around the state. The Reproductive Health and Access Act — dubbed Illinois’ version of the “Freedom of Choice Act” being […]

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Giv up txtng 4 Lent?

Not that more evidence is needed, but a sign that Bishop Jenky was on target last week in saying that in this digital age we’re experiencing a “fundamental shift in the patterns of communication and human relationships” came this week from Italy, where a bishop asked the faithful “to fast” from sending text messages on […]

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Known and loved in diocese

Many priests of the Diocese of Peoria know and have great affection for Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan, the Midwesterner who was named by Pope Benedict XVI this week to succeed retiring Cardinal Edward M. Egan as head of the Archdiocese of New York. Some of our priests came to know the quick-to-laugh priest when he […]

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Send yourself to Springfield

OK, it’s taking place on a Wednesday — not the easiest day to free ourselves from work responsibilities to head out of town. But we join the Catholic Conference of Illinois in hoping that representatives from many, many parishes in the Diocese of Peoria will be in Springfield on March 4 for the first-ever “Catholics […]

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When one is better than a billion

When you can’t pay your three-digit utility bill or even two-digit grocery charge, all those zeroes in a billion dollar government stimulus package don’t mean a lot. But the concern of one individual interested in your well-being can mean everything. That’s why, as area unemployment rises and the national economy continues its downward trends, it […]

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The best unseen Super Bowl advertisement

Yes, the game was great, but who won the other coveted title on Super Bowl Sunday — that of Best Commercial? According to one vote, sponsored by USA Today, the favorite was a fan-made ad about “free Doritos” being seen in a “crystal ball.” Coming in second was a Budweiser commercial showing a love affair […]

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A great place to invest $25

In a good economy or bad, it would be hard to find a better place to invest $25 than a subscription to The Catholic Post. While year-end financial statements arriving in mailboxes are shocking many households with negative numbers, we offer this good news: the $25 you dropped in the parish collection basket or mailed […]

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A multi-billion dollar gift

President Barack Obama, like President George W. Bush before him, now has oversight of massive spending in our troubled economy. How much to budget for defense? Where should bailout monies go, to struggling industries such as auto manufacturers or to prop up lending institutions? What to do about the future of Social Security or Medicaid? […]

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Society Makeover: Gospel Edition

We hope many were able to watch Sunday night’s episode of the television series “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” featuring the remarkable Grys family, members of St. Joseph’s Parish in Pekin. The lessons were plentiful and timely. For those unaware, in late October the crew of the popular ABC series came to the community across the […]

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