
Plans great, prayers better — “Made for Mission” book review

Reviewed by Father Luke Spannagel Blessed day to you all!  I’m joyful to say I am back again with another book which Bishop Lou has given to the priests of our Diocese.  In Made for Mission, Tim Glemkowski provides another opportunity to grow in our understanding of Evangelization and Discipleship, as well as many practical […]

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Priest assembly hears how “save my church” is becoming “grow disciples”

Bishop Louis Tylka addresses his priests at their spring assembly day on March 5 at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. The focus of the day was on the ongoing Growing Disciples process. The Catholic Post/ Paul Thomas Moore

By Paul Thomas Moore of the Catholic Post The priests of the Diocese of Peoria gathered for their annual spring assembly day on March 5 in Peoria. The agenda was largely given over to continuing discussion of Growing Disciples, the two-year pastoral planning process that will reach another significant milestone on Sunday, March 10 at […]

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“In search of Lank” — a pilgrim’s progress

John D. Spalding, third cousin of Bishop John L. Spalding, compares profiles and Napoleonic hand-in-coat gestures with a portrait of his relative at Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. (Photo provided by Sr. Lea Stefancova, FSJB)

“You look like the Bishop.” He hears that a lot. John D. (David) Spalding, of Middletown, Connecticut, is on the trail for information about John L. (Lancaster) Spalding, the first Bishop of Peoria, his third cousin, three generations removed. But there are times he doesn’t feel very far removed from his distinguished relative at all. […]

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Clarity and Love symposium: Annulment is all about the healing

By Paul Thomas Moore of the Catholic Post Annulment is an often misunderstood topic even among the Catholic faithful, sometimes derisively referred to as “Catholic divorce.” A symposium held at the Spalding Pastoral Center on Feb. 17 entitled “Clarity and Love: Abuse, Divorce, Annulment,” went a long way toward dispelling misunderstandings. The session was organized by […]

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Lenten learnings out of the mouths of babes

By Courtney Grussing, guest columnist I am honored that The Post Online has invited me to be a guest columnist. My first thought was, “What valuable insight do I have to share with others?” As a mom with four young children (a 10-year-old and 6-year-old triplets), it was suggested I might want to share my […]

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Priests birthdays: Feb. 21 to March 31

13  priests serving in the Diocese of Peoria — including our Bishop Emeritus — are celebrating a new year of life  between Feb. 21 and March 31. Be sure to wish them a Happy Birthday! Msgr. Douglas Hennessy (Feb. 21); Msgr. Richard Pricco (Feb. 22); Msgr. Gerald Ward (Feb. 23); Father Alexander Millar (Feb. 25); Father […]

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“Welcome to draft day,” Bishop Tylka greets catechumens and candidates

As the catechumens and candidates gather in the sanctuary during the Rite of Election at St. Mary’s Cathedral on Feb. 17, Bishop Louis Tylka, on behalf of the Church, “recognizes your desire to be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and to have a place at Christ’s Eucharistic table.” The Catholic Post/ Paul Thomas Moore

By Paul Thomas Moore “Welcome to draft day,” Bishop Louis Tylka said to the catechumens and candidates gathered for their Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on Feb. 17 and 18. During the Rite of Election, these who are preparing to be received into the church at […]

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Bishop Tylka blesses new OSF HealthCare Cancer Institute — because “cancer stinks”

Bishop Louis Tylka blessed the new OSF HealthCare Cancer Institute on the campus of Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria on Feb. 13. In his final blessing, he prayed, “May the God of mercy strengthen you by his grace so that in serving the sick with tender charity, you may serve Christ himself.” The Catholic Post/Paul Thomas Moore

By Paul Thomas Moore On Feb. 13, in a ceremony where the OSF Choir (directed by John Evancho), sang hymns including “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace” and “Dona Nobis Pacem” (Latin for “grant us peace”), Bishop Louis Tylka officially blessed the new OSF HealthCare Cancer Institute in Peoria. The week before he had […]

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Have we got a fish fry for you!

If you would like to add a fish fry, please send an email to Paul Thomas Moore at BLOOMINGTON: Corpus Christi School will host their annual fish fry on Friday, Feb. 23. Tickets may be purchased at the door. Serving will be from 5 to 7 p.m. Dinner includes cod fish or pizza, cheesy […]

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Fasting regulations for Lent and the Easter Triduum

My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we enter into this Lenten season, the Church once again invites us to use this opportunity to share more fully in the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ.  It is essential that we cultivate a deeper sense of prayer, fasting and almsgiving to better offer our lives to […]

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