

Rating: A-I (PG) NEW YORK (CNS) — The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by the Office for Film & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The canine star of a TV show (voice of John Travolta), raised to believe he has superpowers and that the program on which he continually […]

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Darin and Molly’s wedding day highlights

Final in a series GENESEO — United in faith and love, Darin Ries and Molly McKean are now united in marriage. They joined their lives on Nov. 8, during a Mass at St. John the Baptist Church in Bradford. The daughter of Peter and Mary McKean, Molly was a lifelong member of the parish. One […]

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Rock Island church as an edible edifice

ROCK ISLAND — The bricks, mortar, and stained glass of Sacred Heart Church here were replaced with gingerbread, frosting, and crushed lollipops in a tiny replica that may go a long way to help fix a boiler at the 106-year-old church. The edible edifice was a part of the Gingerbread Village at this year’s Festival […]

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‘Tremendous’ increases at parish food pantries

As government leaders continue to address crises in the national economy, parish food pantries in the Diocese of Peoria are seeing higher numbers of people in need of their services. The Peoria Area Food Bank, which supplies food to 125 pantries in eight counties, has seen a minimum of a 25 percent increase in demand […]

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Post Poll: What do you resolve?

The next “Post Poll” asks readers to share their “resolutions” for the new church year, which begins this Sunday, Nov. 30, with the first Sunday of Advent. What prayers, devotions or spiritual reading will you be taking up as you prepare for the coming of Christ into your life at Christmas and throughout the year? […]

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Advent: a new church year begins

There won’t be any bottles of champagne uncorked or crowds of people gathered in New York’s Times Square to sing “Auld Lang Syne,” but a new year is beginning at midnight on Sunday, Nov. 30, and it calls people of faith to conversion of life just as surely as any New Year’s resolution made on […]

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Don’t crowd out Advent

It happened Tuesday morning. My wife got the pen out and we started marking all over our family calendar for December. Dates for work Christmas parties, from my employer and hers, were blocked off. Holiday plays and concerts we hope to attend took a few more dates, as did family gatherings, evenings to entertain friends, […]

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Light in the darkness

By: By Msgr. Stuart Swetland First Sunday of Advent, Nov. 30 Isaiah 63:16b-17,19b and 64:2-7; Psalm 80:2-3,15-16,18-19; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:33-37 Happy New Year! This November’s end is a time of new beginnings. A new liturgical year is upon us as we begin the beautiful season of Advent in preparation for the Christmas season. […]

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Vatican newspaper: Beatles’ music better than today’s pop songs

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Vatican newspaper said the musical compositions of the Beatles were far more creative than the “standardized and stereotyped” pop music of today. The Beatles’ songs have demonstrated “remarkable staying power, becoming a source of inspiration for more than one generation of pop musicians,” it said. The newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, published […]

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188 Japanese martyrs beatified at Mass in Nagasaki

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Christian martyrdom is the fullest expression of human freedom and reflects the supreme act of love, said a top Vatican official at a Mass beatifying 188 Japanese martyrs. “It is not the punishment or the torture that creates a martyr,” but rather the fact the person suffered and died for Christ, […]

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