
Cleaning up litter is . . . S.M.A.R.T.

Think of them as a battalion of soldiers waging war on litter. They are the 87 students of “S.M.A.R.T. Kids” at St. Mark’s School in Peoria. The program — “St. Mark Against Random Trash” — began a year ago as a way to clean up and beautify the area around the school. All the students […]

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Darin and Molly prepare to say ‘I do’ on Saturday

GENESEO — Their journey to the altar started when Darin Ries asked Molly McKean to marry him through an ad in the pages of The Catholic Post and she said “yes.” This Saturday, they will stand up in front of their friends and family at St. John the Baptist Church in Bradford and say, “I […]

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Offices begin move to new pastoral center next week

Moving week has arrived! Nearly all central offices of the Diocese of Peoria will be closed Monday through Friday, Nov. 10-14, as files and furniture are transported from the Sheen Pastoral Center in Peoria and several outlying locations to the nearly completed Spalding Pastoral Center at 419 N.E. Madison Ave. The offices of The Catholic […]

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Insights on purgatory at All Souls Day Mass

Purgatory is a “state of healing” and prayers for the dead are a “powerful help for their journey” to heaven, said Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, at the Diocesan All Souls Day Mass on Sunday at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. The bishop shared several insights into purgatory during his homily, calling it “a means […]

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Co-directors named for Hispanic ministry

Two heads are better than one. That’s one of the main reasons Msgr. J. Brian Rejsek says he is pleased that Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, has appointed him and Father Fredi Gomez Torres as co-directors of the diocesan Office of Hispanic Ministry. Another reason, Msgr. Rejsek told The Catholic Post, is that he and […]

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Building home at King’s House

Photo Caption: Enjoying the unseasonably warm weather at King’s House in Henry are (from left) Sister Isabel Romero, Sister Juana Maria Sanchez, Sister Sonia Mancuello and Sister Silvia Tarafa. By: By Jennifer Willems HENRY — Good news travels fast, especially when prayers are being answered. That’s how the Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus […]

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Seeking Christmas recipes

The Catholic Post is seeking Christmas recipes and memories for publication in our 2008 Christmas section, “A Taste of Christmas.” Along with the recipes for salads, main dishes, desserts, breads or beverages, we are asking readers to submit the stories about what makes these foods so special. Who passed the recipe down to you? What […]

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Parish survey conducted by Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Peoria is conducting an online Parish Awareness Survey this month to gather information about the perceptions people have of Catholic Charities. “We use the survey as a way to sort of benchmark parishioners’ knowledge and awareness of Catholic Charities’ services,” said Celeste Matheson, director of communications for Catholic Charities. […]

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The Bishop of Rome and the river of life

By: By Father Douglas Grandon Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome, Nov. 9 Ezekiel 47:1-2,8-9,12; Psalm 46:2-3,5-6,8-9; 1 Corinthians 3:9c-11,16-17; John 2:13-22 In the year 311, the Edict of Toleration decriminalized Christianity, bringing an end to the long, bloody era of anti-Christian persecution. In 313, the Edict of Milan further secured […]

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Changes in nation, diocese

The central theme of this just concluded marathon election season was “change,” and change our nation will experience with Sen. Barack Obama as its next president. The White House will see a change of party, an historic change of race, a generational change, and significant shifts in direction on a host of issues. Change is […]

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