
100-year crossroads for Catholic press

Imagine if Edward Cooney, who 100 years ago was named the founding president of a new organization called the Catholic Press Association, were to be transported in time from that era to today. How could Cooney possibly comprehend the changes and challenges unfolding in our digital age, evidenced anew last week when Pope Benedict XVI […]

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Fr. Nolan to succeed Msgr. Beebe as vicar for diaconate next year

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, has announced an approaching transition in leadership within the diocesan Office of the Permanent Diaconate. Msgr. Charles Beebe, who has guided the diaconate program for 19 years as formation director and episcopal vicar, will leave those posts following the ordination of the diocese’s ninth class of permanent deacons on May […]

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Celebrations leading to diocese’s 1,000th Cursillo weekend

By: By Jennifer Willems Talk to somebody who is involved in the permanent diaconate, parish ministry or spiritual renewal programs around the Diocese of Peoria and the odds are good they will credit a Cursillo for how they are serving God today. “It’s changed people’s lives,” said Deacon John Skender, spiritual director of Cursillo in […]

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New teacher ‘ruined for life’ after year of volunteering

Photo Caption: Jesuit Volunteer Colleen Swanson, left, shares a smile with Richard Davis. Swanson completed a year of service at Davis’ inner-city Nashville school. By: By Jennifer Willems Coming from a family of teachers, it’s no surprise that Colleen Swanson would make that her career, too. Double majoring in elementary education and special education at […]

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Capsule reviews of recently released movies

The following movie reviews are supplied by Catholic News Service in conjunction with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Office of Film and Broadcasting. For full reviews of these films, as well as earlier releases, visit the CNS movie site here. This list will be updated regularly, and all reviews are copyright (c) 2011 […]

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Welcoming the new Missal: Suggested “pillars” for study

By: By Jennifer Willems Liturgical renewal is constant, according to Msgr. Stanley Deptula. “It’s not like we do the recipe once and we get it right forever,” said the director of the diocesan Office of Divine Worship. “We always need to go back to the touchstones, back to the pillars.” During his presentation on June […]

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New spiritual directors ready to listen, journey with faithful

By: By Jennifer Willems Spiritual directors can be hard to come by, so the diocesan Office of the Permanent Diaconate did something to help and wound up making history in the process. The office partnered with Father Albert Haase, OFM, and Jessie Vicha, both certified spiritual directors and teachers in the Chicago area, to establish […]

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Fr. Barron “shows off” Catholic faith in 10-part documentary

By: By Tom Dermody Catholicism is a beautiful religion “meant to be shown off,” says Father Robert Barron. This fall, the Chicago priest’s new 10-part video documentary called “Catholicism” will offer a new way for parishes and individuals to not only show off their faith, but to better learn and share it. Clergy and religious […]

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Young adults invited to July Theology on Tap series

Young Catholic adults are invited to discuss their faith in a relaxed setting on Wednesday evenings in July during the 2011 Theology on Tap series in Peoria. Topics and speakers for the four sessions — each begins at 6:30 p.m. at Kelleher’s Irish Pub, 619 S.W. Water St. in Peoria — have been announced by […]

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Jesus’ presence makes every day extraordinary

By: By Sister Rachel Bergschneider, OSB Solemnity of Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, June 26 Deuteronomy 8:2-3,14b-16a; Psalm 147:12-13,14-15,19-20; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; John 6:51-58 Most of our lives are lived in the ordinary. Our responsibilities are before us and we try to meet them each day much as we have done in the […]

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