
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy to Close

NEWS RELEASE Catholic Diocese of Peoria April 10, 2024 Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy PEORIA, IL: The Office of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Peoria, has announced that Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy in East Moline will close at the end of the 2023-2024 academic year. The Diocese will help families transition to nearby […]

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Peru has a hospital again

While staff pray along, Father Michael Driscoll blesses the OSF HealthCare Saint Elizabeth Medical Center in Peru on Friday, April 5. The hospital opened its doors to the public on April 7. Provided photo

PERU — OSF HealthCare Saint Elizabeth Medical Center in Peru opened its doors to the public on Sunday, April 7. Earlier, on Friday, April 5, the center was blessed by Father Michael Driscoll, Chaplain and Director of Pastoral Care of OSF St. Elizabeth Medical Center, Ottawa, of which the Peru hospital is the second campus. […]

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Nothing eclipses Christ’s Divine Mercy

Though hardly perceptible, the moon is just beginning to edge in front of the bottom right of the sun in this photo taken at the beginning of the solar eclipse on April 8 in Metamora. The Catholic Post Online/Paul Thomas Moore

By Paul Thomas Moore of The Catholic Post Online WARSAW — On Monday, April 8, the moon blocked out the sun’s light for a few minutes along North America’s “path of totality,” and millions were impressed. The day before was Divine Mercy Sunday, and the message being proclaimed in Catholic churches far and wide was […]

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Bishop Jenky 50th Anniversary of Ordination — April 6, 2024

Congratulations Bishop Jenky on your 50th Anniversary of ordination to the priesthood Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C. was ordained to the priesthood on April 6, 1974, at Sacred Heart Church on the Notre Dame campus. His assignments have included: Sacred Heart Parish/Residential Staff of Flanner Hall, University of Notre Dame, 1973 (diaconate year); Bourgade Catholic […]

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Easter Triduum Takeaways: snapshots from Rock Island, Bloomington & Peoria

Bishop Louis Tylka gives Dolores Romero her first communion at the Easter Vigil Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on March 30. Ms. Romero is a member of the Heart of Peoria Catholic community at the cathedral. Approximately 400 were received into the Church across the diocese this year. The Catholic Post Online/Paul Thomas Moore

ROCK ISLAND, BLOOMINGTON, PEORIA — It is impossible to capture in a smattering of images and words the movements of the Spirit in the Diocese of Peoria during Easter Triduum 2024. But by offering a limited selection of photos from parishes in Rock Island, Bloomington and Peoria, we hope to offer a reflection of the […]

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Chrism Mass 2024 – and so it begins

Suzanne Chatterton accepts the holy oils for St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Peoria from Amanda Connon after the Chrism Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral on March 26. The Catholic Post/ Paul Thomas Moore

It’s as powerful as ever: the priests of the diocese renewing the promises made at their ordination, the blessing of the sacred oils by Bishop Louis Tylka, and after the Mass of Chrism on March 26, parish representatives taking the oils back to their faith communities. Holy Week officially begins on Palm Sunday, but the […]

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Faith/fans win as priests play Marquette high school basketball team

Prayer huddle after basketball game between priests and seminarians of the Diocese of Peoria and Ottawa's Marquette Academy High School Crusaders on March 25. Marquette Academy/Julie Verona

Ottawa — On March 25, the Marquette Academy Grade School gym was packed and members of the community were excited to see the basketball game between their own Marquette High School Crusaders, and the priests and seminarians of the Diocese of Peoria. It was a close contest but after the final buzzer the scoreboard told […]

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Priest birthdays: April 1 to May 5

14 priests serving in the Diocese of Peoria are celebrating a new year of life in April and early May. Many happy returns to all who will be blowing out candles in the days to come: Father Daniel Gifford (April 1); Father Chase Hilgenbrinck and Father Michael Pica (April 2); Abbot Philip Davey, OSB (April […]

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Magnify Lenten Retreat prepares hearts for Holy Week

Participants in the Magnify Lenten Retreat organized by the Peoria Diocesan Council of Catholic Women gather on the altar at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on March 9. Provided photo

As we prepare to “magnify” Jesus during our celebrations of Holy Week and the Easter Triduum, we shine a light on the Lenten preparation of the Peoria Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (PDCCW), who held their second annual Magnify Lenten Retreat at St. Mary’s Cathedral on March 9. The two and a half hours were […]

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Holy Week schedule with Bishop Tylka at St. Mary’s Cathedral

The Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, located in Peoria at 607 N.E. Madison Ave., is the mother church of the Diocese of Peoria. During Holy Week, Bishop Louis Tylka will preside over the following liturgies and opportunities for prayer at the cathedral: Palm Sunday Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. Chrism […]

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