Local author offers proceeds from third book to Women’s Choice Center

GENESEO — It took less than three hours for Kimberly Souba to write “Flight of the Butterfly,” but she’s hoping it will provide long-lasting inspiration for those who read it.

“The book is about a butterfly who feels like she can’t fly because every time she tries to take off she feels unworthy and falls. It’s hurtful,” Souba said. “God continues to encourage her that he will always be there to protect her and guide her to fly. She ends up taking off.”

Kimberly Souba

What the butterfly learns is that by giving the treasure of herself to God and others, she is doing what God created her to do, Souba explained.

“Flight of the Butterfly” is written as a children’s book, but there are also insights for adults, according to the author.

“We don’t always feel we’re worthy to do what God wants us to do, but if we look to him and always seek out his support and guidance through prayers and the Holy Spirit and other people, he’s always going to be there to protect us,” she said. “We might fall, but he’s always going to pick us back up.”

The sequel to “A Caterpillar’s Journey,” the book is actually Souba’s third. Her first was a collection of poems, “From Death to New Life: The Transformation of a Soul.”

As she has done in the past, she is donating 100 percent of the proceeds to a charitable cause. This time they will go to the Women’s Choice Center, a crisis pregnancy center in Bettendorf, Iowa.

“I serve on the board for the Christ Child Society of the Quad Cities and I’ve just been able to see firsthand the great work that the Women’s Choice Center does,” she said.

Souba is the director of religious education and music teacher at St. Malachy Parish and School in Geneseo. In addition, she serves as coordinator of middle school youth ministry.

She self-publishes through DiggyPOD, a company in Michigan. To get copies of “Flight of the Butterfly” go to ksouba.com. There is an order form under the “Books” tab.

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