Annual Diocesan Appeal is underway to support mission to ‘Go Make Disciples’

Saying “this is our moment to take up anew the Lord’s Great Commission — it is our time to ‘Go Make Disciples,’” Bishop Louis Tylka has encouraged a generous response to the Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA).
The appeal, which funds most diocesan programs and apostolates, will be promoted in parishes this weekend, Sept. 10-11. The 2022 theme mirrors Bishop Tylka’s episcopal motto, “Go Make Disciples,” with a subtitle of “Bringing People to Christ.”
This year’s drive, the first with Bishop Tylka as diocesan bishop, has a few new twists as it seeks a goal of $6.3 million, an increase of $180,000 from a year ago.

Father Chase Hilgenbrinck, diocesan vocations director for recruitment, greets participants in “Emmaus Knights,” a monthly formation evening for junior and senior boys in high school. The vocation awareness program is featured in one of five brief videos promoting the Annual Diocesan Appeal that may be shown at Masses Sept. 10-11 or viewed at
First, pledges will not be made or collected at parishes. All Catholic households of the diocese should have received ADA materials in the mail in late August. Pledges and payments this year are to be made directly to the diocese, lessening the burden on parishes; however, parishes will continue to share in the appeal’s success by retaining 100 percent of funds raised in excess of their individual goals.
In addition, five brief videos have been produced to promote this year’s appeal. All may be viewed at, a website that has further information about the appeal, examples of the various ministries it helps support — including Catholic schools, Catholic Charities, vocations, Hispanic ministry, and many more — and how to give online.
“Each year the Annual Diocesan Appeal is the means by which we are able to raise the necessary support for us to carry out our mission together,” said Bishop Tylka in the primary video. “We are dependent upon your generosity to assist us in providing the support for the many ways we share our faith in Jesus in the parishes and agencies of the diocese.”
The other videos highlight aspects of four of the five “foundations” Bishop Tylka has established for moving the diocese forward, as well as a corresponding ministry or program. The videos in English feature Spanish translations in subtitles, and vice-versa:
- Evangelization — featuring the Mike and Marie Burge family of Our Lady of the Lake Parish in Mahomet. Mike Burge has been preparing for ordination as a permanent deacon this December, and son Evan is a campus missionary with the Fellowship of Catholic University Students.
- Eucharistic Revival — with images and interviews from a eucharistic procession that took place through downtown Pontiac in June as the diocese opened its participation in a three-year National Eucharistic Revival. Prominently featured are Father Adam Cesarek, pastor, and the Mick and Amanda Lauritsen family.
- Discipleship — highlighting a retreat that adults preparing to receive the Easter sacraments take part in at St. Mary Parish in Moline. This video, titled “La fe es muy viva” (“The faith is very alive”) is in Spanish with English translation, and features Father Antonio Dittmer, pastor, and several catechumens who took part in the retreat, called “Kerigma.”
- Vocations — featuring participants in “Emmaus Knights,” a monthly formation for juniors and seniors in high school designed to continue and supplement discussions begun during summer Emmaus Days retreats on what God is calling them to do with their lives.
Bishop Tylka calls to mind the fifth foundation, following the example of Venerable Archbishop Sheen in proclaiming Christ to the world, in his primary video.
Parishes are encouraged to show one of the videos at Masses this weekend. The videos will also be widely shared via social media.
In addition to seeking pledges, the brochure mailed to all households also invites prayer intentions for Bishop Tylka to remember throughout the coming year. Information is also provided on alternate ways to give, including grain, stock, IRA charitable rollovers, and matching gifts. For more information, contact Sister Salezia Rudyova, FSJB, in the diocesan Office of Stewardship and Development, (309) 677-7096 or
Following is the text of a prayer for the success of the 2022 Annual Diocesan Appeal.
Almighty Father, we praise you and give you thanks for walking with us, your people of the Diocese of Peoria.
Set our hearts on fire, that we may go forth to evangelize and witness our faith with our lives.
Fill us with a greater understanding and devotion for your real presence in the gift of the Eucharist.
Open our hearts, that we may learn from Christ as true disciples
and live our vocation faithfully and generously,
following the example of the Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen.
Send your Spirit upon our families and parish communities as we begin this journey of the Annual Diocesan Appeal,
that we may respond with generous hearts and take up anew the Lord’s Great Commission: Go Make Disciples!