“Jackass Forever” (Paramount)

Chris Pontius, Eric André, Rachel Wolfson and Eric Manaka star in a scene from the movie "Jackass Forever." The Catholic News Service classification is O -- morally offensive. (CNS/Sean Cliver, Paramount)
By Catholic News Service
The latest extension of the debased comedy franchise that began as an MTV series continues its tradition of plotless and painful stunts involving sadistic cruelty and every form of excretory function.
Presided over, but not often participated in, by ringleader Johnny Knoxville the antics — directed, if that’s the word, by Jeff Tremaine — involve what we’re told is a poisonous snake, an exploding portable toilet and an exploration of the many ways in which one member of the gang can hit another in the crotch. Each is followed by the raucous braying of the participants, mindless merriment in which viewers are unlikely to share.
Frontal male nudity, vile scatological and relentless sexual humor, pervasive profane, rough and crude language. The Catholic News Service classification is O — morally offensive. The Motion Picture Association rating is R — restricted. Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian.
Click here for full reviews of this and other current movies by Catholic News Service.