Talk in Rock Island on Saturday explores ‘other pandemic’ of screen addiction

"Nobody has yet died from a lack of social media," says Dr. Timothy Millea in recommending moderation and occasional fasts from our phones and screens. (CNS/Kevin J. Parks)
ROCK ISLAND — The detrimental impact of excessive online activity will be explored in a presentation this Saturday, Nov. 20, at Farrell Hall of St. Pius X Church in Rock Island.
“We Become What We Behold: The ‘Other Pandemic’ of Screen Addiction” is the topic of a talk by Dr. Tim Millea, co-founder and current president of the St. Thomas Aquinas Guild of the Quad Cities.
The 10 a.m. presentation is sponsored by the guild, a local branch of the Catholic Medical Association.
“Since the introduction of the internet in the 1990s, our daily lives have changed dramatically,” said Millea, an orthopedic surgeon who is also a member of the Catholic Medical Association national board of directors. While the “technologic explosion” has obvious positive sides, an increasing amount of evidence reveals the psychological, emotional, neurological, and spiritual damage that can result from behavioral addiction with online activity.
The public is invited to attend the presentation and reservations are not required. Farrell Hall is located at 2502 29th Ave. in Rock Island. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. For more information, visit