The Catholic Post earns four awards from the Catholic Press Association

Schlarman Academy’s Capria Brown is cheered by teammates and fans after a steal early in the Hilltoppers’ state championship win in 2019. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)
The Catholic Post received four awards for journalistic excellence in judging of 2019 content announced July 2 by the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada.
- Editor Tom Dermody received first place for Best Sports Photo (above) and third place for Best Editorial on a National/International Issue for “Like Paris firefighters, she preserved history,” a tribute to former Catholic Post editor and publisher Albina Aspell;
- Assistant Editor Jennifer Willems was awarded an honorable mention for Best Reporting on the Celebration of a Sacrament for “Two baptized at Canton correctional center: Men feel the love of the Catholic Church and diocesan family,” and
- Willems and Dermody earned second place honors for Best News Writing on a Local or Regional Event for their stories on the arrival of Archbishop Sheen’s remains at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria.
Following are the judge’s comments.
First Place, Best Sports Photo: “A tough call in a very competitive category with lots of entries. The fan reaction is remarkable, diverse and thrilling to see, no matter which team you were rooting for. Just a great shot.”
Second Place, Best News Writing on a Local or Regional Event: “This was one of the most comprehensive pieces of journalism I have read in quite some time. Excellent coverage with strong writing and historical context.”
Third Place, Best Editorial on a National or International Issue: “It could be only an obituary for a long-time Catholic editor and writer but its high-quality writing and persuasive arguments move it into the editorial category. Well done overall with an example of the subject’s writing to persuade the doubters.”