List of 54 parish volunteers honored at the 2018 DCCW Appreciation Luncheon

Mary Ebert and Vicky Lappin of Saint John Paul II Parish in Kewanee accept their certificates of appreciation from Msgr. Dale Wellman, spiritual adviser to the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)
Following are names and listings of just some of the activities of 54 parish volunteers honored at the Peoria Diocesan Council of Catholic Women’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon on April 24 at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria.
- Mary Jagers, Sacred Heart: Member of the Altar and Rosary Society, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, sends out cards to the sick and elderly of the parish, prayer chain.

Patricia DeReu was recognized for a variety of volunteer duties at St. Anthony Parish in Atkinson. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)
- Patricia DeReu, St. Anthony: Former president of the Altar and Rosary Society, member of the parish council, taught CCD classes, led Bible studies, lector, cantor, choir member, notary-auditor for the diocesan Marriage Tribunal.
- Rose Hordesky, St. Anthony: Extraordinary minister of holy Communion, member of the funeral lunch committee, co-chairperson of the parish’s semi-annual “Tony’s Garage Sale,” volunteer for many events through the years.
- Janet Snyder, St. Anthony: Extraordinary minister of holy Communion and takes Communion to homebound parishioners, co-chairperson of the parish’s semi-annual “Tony’s Garage Sale,” volunteer at Sophia’s Kitchen in Peoria.
- Kathryn Hartzler, St. Patrick Church of Merna: Volunteer choir director for 30 years who has “shared her musical gifts with us, taught the choir much and made them better musicians.”
- Kate Hewitt, St. John: Altar and Rosary committee chairman who “regularly steps up to offer her time and talent wherever they are needed” and with her husband, Jim, serves coffee and doughnuts to parishioners once a month.
- Lois DeCoster, St. Maria Goretti: Lector, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, manages pastoral committee, helps with church environment and funeral luncheons, sings in the funeral choir, drove pastor between the Coal Valley and Orion churches.
- Mary Ann Lapaczorek, St. Maria Goretti: Lector, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, helps with church environment, funerals, funeral luncheons and many other parish events, serves on committee for capital feasibility study and church renewal.
- Claire Gifford, St. Paul: Coordinated funeral dinners for 31 years, lector, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, member of weekly prayer group for more than 30 years.
- Sharon Dial, St. Patrick: Altar and Rosary Society treasurer, secretary, circle leader, annual salad bar luncheon volunteer, calls bingo numbers during Altar and Rosary Society’s nursing home game day, CCD board president and helper, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, lector, sings in the choir, rosary leader.
- Julia Deutsch, Immaculate Heart of Mary: Extraordinary minister of holy Communion, served on Annual Diocesan Appeal committee, works on the quilt raffle for the Ladies of Mary and is a member of the group’s cake project committee for students at Knox College, volunteers for annual spaghetti dinner fundraiser, as well as Knox County Right to Life.
- Christie Kisler, Immaculate Heart of Mary: Extraordinary minister of holy Communion, counts collections, cooks for the annual spaghetti dinner and funeral luncheons, member of Knox County Right to Life, volunteering for the pancake breakfast, Joshua Camp and Festival of Life.
- Gayle R. Stephan, St. Patrick: Helps with funeral luncheons and other special luncheons, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, takes Communion to homebound parishioners, lector, co-chairs annual fundraiser, works on church flower gardens.
- Mary Beth Farber, St. Malachy: Teacher’s aide at St. Malachy School, involved in Vacation Bible School for many years, key member of planning for Women at the Well since its inception, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, started divorce support group, helps with Winterfest.
- Nicole Freadhoff, St. Malachy: Teaches Children’s Liturgy of the Word, volunteers in St. Malachy School library, helped with Vacation Bible School, lasagna supper, Winterfest, and adult faith formation, and set up and maintains parish Facebook page.
- Peggy Kotcher, St. Isaac Jogues: Member of the Altar and Rosary Society, lector, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, sings in the choir, parish council, funeral dinner chairperson.
- Renee Grebner, St. Mary of Lourdes: Organized volunteers for funeral dinners for 20 years.

Judy Polek of St. Mary in Hampton displays her certificate of appreciation. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)
- Judy Polek, St. Mary: Longtime sacristan, launders vestments, assists at funerals, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, goes with pastor to nursing homes three times a month for Mass and to provide Communion.
- Mary Hennenfent Ebert, Saint John Paul II: Parish trustee, member of parish council, finance committee and capital campaign committee, sings with the folk choir, organized parish missions project and went on mission to Tanzania to distribute eyeglasses and deliver donated supplies to Catholic schools, sponsors four children internationally.
- Vicky Lappin, Saint John Paul II: Teaches First Communion class, greeter, lector, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, money counter, co-chair of Annual Diocesan Appeal, member of RCIA team, helps with Tanzania project.
- Pat Arnold, St. Paul: Lector at weekday Masses, extraordinary minister of holy Communion at Mass, hospitals and nursing homes, RCIA sponsor, prayer partner, sews baptismal garments, cares for altar linens, Scripture study leader.
- Cathy Crain, St. Paul: Past funeral coordinator, served on parish council and was the education commission liaison between the church and school, credited as instrumental in parish prayers for the sick, liaison with the infirmed and those in nursing homes.
- Rita Richbark, St. Paul: Extraordinary minister of holy Communion, visits the hospital, lector, RCIA facilitator, sponsor and prayer partner, cares for the church grounds, volunteer at all parish events.
- Penny Carter, St. Joseph: Altar and Rosary Society member who has held a variety of offices, member of the choir for 25 years, money counter, helps with Annual Diocesan Appeal and funeral dinners, active community volunteer.
- Becky Tabor, St. Joseph: Member of the Altar and Rosary Society who has served as president, treasurer and secretary, money counter for more than 40 years, funeral committee worker, chairs spring fundraiser and helps with fall fundraiser and St. Joseph Day luncheon, parish council member, active community volunteer.
- Christine Hollembaek, St. Mary: Member of the Altar and Rosary Society and parish council, served on committee to restore Father Betson memorial site, sings in the church choir.
- Clarice Sundeen, St. Mary: Member of Altar and Rosary Society, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, lector, team member for Christ Renews His Parish and Marriage Encounter, Seton Mother’s Club, Catholic Worker House meals, takes Communion to homebound parishioners.
- Mary Graden, St. Joseph: Member of the Council of Catholic Women, extraordinary minister of holy Communion at church and to shut-in parishioners, helps with the school lunch program and at various parish receptions, volunteers with the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry.
- Pat Graf, St. Joseph: Taught kindergarten at St. Joseph School for 21 years, volunteers in the school library, designed supplemental reading program for the kindergartners, reads to preschool classes, member of the Council of Catholic Women and serves as CCW liaison to Pekin’s Church Women United, where she serves on the board, member of parish’s St. Vincent de Paul Society.
- Sue Kovars, St. Joseph: Funeral server, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, member of the hospital ministry, parish council and liturgy committee, assists with Annual Diocesan Appeal.
- Jill Lindsey, St. Jude: Secretary for St. Jude School, treasurer of Parent Teacher Organization, member of the reception community for parish’s capital campaigns.
- Rosemary Weber, St. Jude: Chairs the landscaping team for the church, school and convent of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, co-leader of parish JustFaith program, lector, contributor to funeral luncheon ministry.
- Mary Billington, St. Mary: RCIA coordinator, spiritual director, adoration volunteer, WATCH leader, involved with the youth group, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd team.
- Alison Tarr, St. Mary: President of the Commission on Education, member of “Amazing Parish,” Parent Teacher Organization, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd team.
- Vicki Trainor, St. Mary: Extraordinary minister of holy Communion, attends adoration, member of the bereavement team, faith formation instructor, makes prayer shawls, Women’s Guild.
- Mary Harmon, St. Louis: Funeral luncheon coordinator, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, past secretary of the Council of Catholic Women, volunteers for parish cookie walk, bake sales and CCW fundraiser, church office assistant.
- Cathy Trowbridge, St. Louis: Bible study leader, Rachel’s Vineyard retreat team, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, lector, parish council, teacher for Vacation Bible School, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, and family faith formation.
- Nancy Day, St. John: Member of the choir for more than 30 years, member of the art and environment committee, parish council and Women’s Guild, has taught religious education and Vacation Bible School, as well as adult faith formation.
- Patti McCormick, St. John: As music director for 23 years, she is responsible for the children’s choir and adult choir, and works with families to plan music for funerals.
- Veronica Oney, St. John: Religious education instructor for the fourth grade for many years, usher, Women’s Guild officer, church trustee, member of the pastoral council.
- Marilyn Urbaniak, Our Lady of Guadalupe: Serves in perpetual adoration chapel, captain on the prayer chain, helps with funeral luncheons, lector.
- Susan Urbaniak, Our Lady of Guadalupe: Lector, serves in the perpetual adoration chapel, donates to funeral luncheons, volunteers to clean up after parish events, provides pies for church dinners and bake sales.
- Barbara Lathrop, St. Michael the Archangel: Assists at parish and Altar and Rosary Society functions, is a parish baker, volunteers at OSF HealthCare Center for Health — Streator, delivers Meals on Wheels, former volunteer at Guardian Angel Outreach for Mothers.
- Sharon A. Warfield, St. Michael the Archangel: Assists at parish and Altar and Rosary Society functions, currently serves as an officer of the St. Michael’s Altar and Rosary and coordinator of Guardian Angels Outreach for Mothers. Retired principal and teacher at five local schools, including St. Paul, Odell, and St. Mary, Pontiac.
- Ellen Abell, St. Patrick: Coordinator of St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry for almost 10 years and conference president, oversees planning biennial “Friends Dinner” and “Friends of the Poor Walk,” as well as the annual Thanksgiving basket giveaway, speaker on poverty and food insecurity in Illinois, and works with parish ministries that include Women of St. Patrick and the CREW youth group.
- Mary Ann Luedtke, St. Patrick: Longtime parish sacristan, member of the liturgy committee, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, sings with funeral schola and assists with funeral lunches, works with the Women of St. Patrick in a variety of ways.
- Mary Lou Menches, St. Patrick: Lector, extraordinary minister of holy Communion, worship team ministry, served on “Re-Membering Church, Returning Catholics” for more than 30 years, sings with funeral schola, prayer chain leader
- Catherine Salika, St. Patrick: Member of St. Patrick Choir and the funeral schola for more than 30 years, bell choir, cantor, lector, and extraordinary minister of holy Communion, communications committee, and has served on the liturgy committee and parish council.

Twin sisters Nancy Kawich and Stella Kawich were honored for their service at St. John the Evangelist in Walnut. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)
- Nancy Kawich, St. John the Evangelist: CCD teacher and children’s choir director. (Twin sister of Stella Kawich.)
- Stella Kawich, St. John the Evangelist: CCD teacher and children’s choir director. (Twin sister of Nancy Kawich.)
- Tracy Healy, St. Mary: Credited with being an integral part of the recent church painting and carpeting project, helping to plan fundraisers for it and organizing the cleaning of the pews and altar chairs before they were reinstalled earlier this year. “She is a shining example of how we are to be committed to a parish community,” according to those who nominated her.
- Patricia Chantos, St. Mary: Member of the Altar and Rosary Society, cooks for funeral dinners, helps to make the parish’s famous noodles, assists with Christmas bazaars and parish dinners, providing an array of “Pat’s pies.” Decorates the church for Christmas and Easter, “Heavenly Duster” and money counter.
- Myrna Shuman, St. Mary: One of three coordinators for funeral dinners for many years and still helps to prepare the meals, serves as a money counter and “Heavenly Duster,” and is a member of the Altar and Rosary Society and rosary group.
- Tena Anseeuw, St. John: Lifelong member of the parish, helps with the annual chicken dinner, funeral dinners, and Altar and Rosary Society activities, cleans the church, active community volunteer.