St. John Summer Conference invites young adults May 28-31

PRINCEVILLE — “Consecrate Them in the Truth” is the theme for the St. John Summer Conference, which will be held May 28-31 on the grounds of the Congregation of St. John, 11223 W. Legion Hall Road.

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, will join participants on Saturday, May 30, and celebrate Mass for them before lunch. Later in the day there will be a eucharistic procession and Holy Hour leading to all-night adoration.

Other highlights include a consecrated life roundtable with several religious available to answer questions, and Stations of the Cross prayed as the group walks through downtown Peoria.

In addition, participants will have opportunities to pray Vespers with the Brothers and Sisters of St. John, attend Mass each day, engage in lectio divina, hear talks on a variety of subjects and take part in small-group discussions.
The goal is to help young adults, ages 18 to 35, deepen their relationship with Christ and the church, provide community and fellowship, and offer a powerful witness to the faith. At the same time, participants will be able to see the life of the Community of St. John.

The conference participation fee is $80, which includes admittance to the entire conference, food and lodging. To attend part of the conference, the per-day participation fee is $20.

Registration forms are available online. For more information, visit

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