Ottawa parishes will host talks by Teresa Tomeo March 8

Photo Caption: “Fortifying Faith, Marriage and Family” will be the theme of presentations by syndicated talk show host, author, and motivational speaker Teresa Tomeo.

OTTAWA — Catholics from throughout the Ottawa area are invited to hear a presentation by syndicated talk show host, author, and motivational speaker Teresa Tomeo the afternoon of Sunday, March 8, at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 401 W. Main St.

Tomeo’s topic will be “Fortifying Faith, Marriage and Family.” Her visit to Ottawa is sponsored by Ottawa’s Catholic community — including St. Columba, St. Patrick, and St. Francis parishes as well as Marquette Academy, the Knights of Columbus, and the Catholic Daughters of the Americas.

A catered meal begins the presentation at 1 p.m., and the talks will conclude by 4:30 p.m. Seating is limited and registration is requested by Feb. 23. Registration can be done online at, or by calling (815) 617-9212. Cost is $15. The presentation is age appropriate for mature teens and older.

Tomeo is host of the program “Catholic Connection” on weekdays over the EWTN radio network and has more than 30 years of experience in the television, radio and newspaper industries.

She is the author of several books, including “Extreme Makeover: Women Transformed by Christ, Not Conformed to the Culture” and “Noise: How Our Media Saturated Culture Dominates Lives and Dismantles Families,” and is a frequent guest on television and radio programs discussing issues of faith, media awareness, and Catholic Church teaching, especially as it relates to the culture.

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