Support the Retirement Fund for Religious appeal Dec. 7-8

Following is a letter from Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC:


To the Clergy, Religious and Laity of the Diocese of Peoria:

My dear Friends,

Soon, our parishes will be conducting the appeal for the Retirement Fund for Religious, an annual collection that benefits some 34,000 senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. As I reflect on the service of our women and men religious, I recall the words of Jesus in John’s Gospel: “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be.” (John 12:26) Through their prayer and ministries, religious can be found wherever Jesus is found — not just in Catholic parishes, schools, and hospitals, but also in service to the poor, the lonely, and the oppressed.

In a profound way, we also find Jesus in the ongoing witness of our elder religious. While many continue in active and volunteer ministry, others are frail and need assistance. Yet they remain wholly committed to their vocations, accepting the limitation of aging and embracing the opportunity to focus more fully on praying for our Church and world.

Most elder religious worked for years for small stipends, leaving a substantial gap in retirement savings. With the ever-rising cost of health care and the increase in the number of those needing care, many religious communities now struggle to provide for their senior members. The Retirement Fund for Religious offers vital financial assistance to help meet day-to-day needs for prescription medications, nursing care, and more.

The annual collection is an opportunity for each of us to be the presence of Jesus to our senior religious. I ask simply that you give what you can. Please join me in supporting the Retirement Fund for Religious and in praying for God’s continued blessing on our nation’s elderly sisters, brothers, and religious order priests.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, CSC
Bishop of Peoria


The collection will be received at Masses the weekend of Dec. 7-8.

See also: LaSalle native featured in promotions for Retirement Fund for Religious

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