If we don’t say it, we’re going to burst

We have a suggestion for Catholics of the Diocese of Peoria when the word “Alleluia,” liturgically buried for the 40 days of Lent, returns to our lips during Easter Masses: say it or sing it especially joyfully and robustly.

Not that “Alleluia,” an expression of praise to God, should ever be mumbled or sung without feeling — though sometimes we all have been guilty. But there are no excuses this Easter, in this historic Year of Faith. In fact, we should all be about to burst to proclaim it.

Why? First and always foremost, because of Jesus’ victory of sin and death. There simply is no better news.

But Catholics around the world are also praising God for our new Pope Francis. Just a taste of how he is already energizing and challenging Catholics of the Diocese of Peoria is found in the comments here.

Need more reasons? Hundreds of new Catholics are receiving the Easter sacraments and being received into our parishes at the Easter Vigil. We welcome them, and praise God for what he is doing in their lives — and ours.

And finally, we’ve seen the forecast for temperatures of more than 50 degrees this weekend. Spring is finally arriving!

So there should be no holding back. We should shake the stained glass windows with our refrain. Our God is victorious and loves us beyond telling.

Alleluia! — Thomas J. Dermody

SPALDING PASTORAL CENTER | 419 NE MADISON AVENUE | PEORIA, IL 61603 | PHONE (309) 671-1550 | FAX (309) 671-1595
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