Headlines we hope to write in 2013

As we complete an edition that looks back at all that made news in 2012, we can’t help but wonder what our pages will contain in the new year just begun. We are sure that the Holy Spirit has many surprises in store, especially in this Year of Faith.

On Jan. 1, we asked those who follow The Catholic Post on Facebook what headlines they would love to see in 2013. Here are some of their suggestions, as well as a few of our own.

“HHS mandate rescinded: religious liberty affirmed”

“Sunday Mass attendance up dramatically in Year of Faith”

“Miracle approved: Beatification ceremony set in Peoria for Fulton Sheen”

“Poll finds ‘joy,’ ‘love’ first words come to mind when hearing ‘Catholic'”

“Roe vs. Wade overturned, ending four decades of legal abortion”

“Movie, television, video game violence at record low in 2013”

“Men’s March makes national news as 20,000 fill Peoria’s streets”

“Catholic Charities overwhelmed by support; expands outreach”

“Confession makes a comeback; lines this Lent longest in memory”

“Catholic school enrollment jumps, new construction announced”

“Catholics embrace evangelization; millions of inactives ‘come home'”

And perhaps our favorite: “Jesus returns, restores peace on earth!”

That was fun. Now, how can we all cooperate with the Holy Spirit to make these headlines, and those you long for in your family and faith lives, a reality? — Thomas J. Dermody

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