We thank our readers and all who support The Catholic Post

Thanksgiving is a tradition-filled holiday, but these are anything but traditional times in the news business. We’re pretty sure that in the nearly 80-year history of this newspaper, we’ve never used “tweet,” “blog” and “evangelize” in the same headline. But there they are linked on our page 7 this week, as the U.S. bishops were challenged to use social media in spreading the Gospel message.

The time of straddling the print and digital preferences of readers has claimed some big names in the industry, both in the secular and Catholic press. So we are grateful for the privilege of producing another issue of your diocesan newspaper.

And as the Post family — and that includes you — gathers around our virtual Thanksgiving table, we offer a prayer of gratitude for our blessings in 2012, including the nearly 10,000 who contributed to our “Delivering Unity Campaign” in February to support both our print and digital efforts. We thank the pastors who promote us in parishes.

We are grateful for our advertisers, who show their wisdom by using our pages or website to reach the Catholic audience. We thank Bishop Jenky for trusting our small staff with the responsibility of sharing his message and stories of faith from around the diocese. We thank those who write our columns, submit photos and stories, and share in our mission in any way. We appreciate those who follow us now on Facebook and Twitter.

God has blessed us, through you. And you can tweet that. — Thomas J. Dermody

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