Immensity of goodness of jubilarian priests celebrated

Photo Caption: At the June 28 Mass are jubilarians Msgr. William Watson (50), Father Joseph Anderson (50), Father Gabriel Msoka, (25), Father John Onderko (50), and newly ordained Father Johnathan Steffen.
By: By Tom Dermody
Fifty years in 11 minutes.
Msgr. Richard Pricco, pastor of St. Paul’s Parish in Macomb for 35 of his 50 years of priesthood, shared a tightly edited story of his years of priestly service within the homily he preached at a June 28 Mass honoring the priests of the Diocese of Peoria observing significant anniversary years of ordination.
While his story included tales of priests he learned from, day-to-day worries such as roof repairs and school finances, and goals achieved from helping to organize a community food pantry to building a church addition, Msgr. Pricco said his greatest joy has been celebrating Mass with parishioners.
“When I see the faith of the people coming up to receive the body and blood of Jesus, and see their smiles, I thank God that I can play some small part in God’s plan,” Msgr. Pricco told diocesan clergy who gathered with Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, for the annual Jubilarian Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria.
A “small part” is not exactly the phrase Bishop Jenky used to describe the contributions of the long-serving priests of the diocese, many of whom were in attendance.
“All too often a bishop or God’s faithful will mention to priests the things they don’t like,” Bishop Jenky said in opening remarks. “Jubilees give occasions to recall the immensity of goodness in the priesthood, and in those we love and revere.
“There would not be a Diocese of Peoria, a vibrant Body of Christ, without our jubilarians,” continued the bishop. “From the bottom of our hearts, we give thanks to God for those who have given so much for the church.”
After reading a list of those priests observing anniversary years ranging from 10 to 75, Msgr. Paul Showalter, vicar general, noted that 2012 is a significant jubilee year for Bishop Jenky as well. The priests applauded the bishop for his 10th anniversary as Bishop of Peoria and the 15 years since his episcopal ordination.
The 2012 jubilarian priests as well as women religious were recognized in a 24-page special section in the May 27 issue of The Catholic Post. Bishop Jenky’s jubilees were detailed in the April 1 issue.
Msgr. Pricco quoted Msgr. Steven Rosetti, a past presenter at the diocese’s priest assembly days, as saying “The main job of a priest is to be there.” Recalling the words of the Gospel in which Jesus repeatedly asks Peter if he loves him, Msgr. Pricco said, “My classmates and I have tried to give the same answer each day: ‘Lord, you know that I love you,’ and we have tried to feed his sheep.”
After concelebrating the Eucharist with their bishop, the priests enjoyed a dinner with him at the Spalding Pastoral Center.