Unique icon writing retreat planned at St. Bede Abbey

PERU — Icons aren’t painted, they’re written in the context of prayer and reflection, and Joseph Malham of Chicago will guide 10 people through the process at an icon writing retreat July 24-29 at St. Bede Abbey.

No previous art or icon writing experience is necessary to participate in the retreat and workshop. Participants will learn the theology of writing an icon and pray with the monks of St. Bede as they write their first icons.

The completed icons will be blessed at the closing Mass, according to Abbot Philip Davey of St. Bede.

“This is something unique in the diocese,” he told The Catholic Post. “The people I’ve talked to are excited about it.”

Malham studied art in Rome through Loyola University’s Rome Center and graduated from Loyola with a bachelor’s degree in history. He has been a full-time iconographer since 1999, and artist in residence at St. Gregory the Great Church in Chicago since 2001. His studio, Trinity Icons, is located at the church.

“He has been visiting St. Bede for years,” Abbot Philip said. “He wrote the icon for our processional cross.”

The cost for the retreat and workshop is $500 per person, which includes room, meals, and materials. The gold leaf alone is worth more than $100.

For more information or to register, contact Abbot Philip at (815) 223-3140, ext. 298, or send an email to Malham at joe@trinityicons.com.

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