Diocese’s parishes will take part in ‘Fortnight for Freedom’

Photo Caption: All Catholic churches in the Diocese of Peoria will ring their bells at 11 a.m. on July 4 as one of the promotions of religious freedom planned during the June 21 to July 4 “Fortnight for Freedom.”

The ringing of church bells and Sunday homilies devoted to the subject are just two ways Catholic parishes in the Diocese of Peoria will “promote, protect, and pray for religious freedom” during a “Fortnight for Freedom” from June 21 to July 4.

“I have called on all pastors of our diocese to offer parishioners opportunities to learn more about the gift of religious freedom and pray for its protection,” said Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, in a letter to be read at all Masses on the weekend of June 16-17. (See the full text of the letter here.)

Calling religious freedom “one of our most treasured gifts,” Bishop Jenky said it is “under direct attack” by requirements of the federal government’s Health and Human Services mandate.

The mandate — which would force Catholic schools, universities, hospitals, and charitable groups to provide insurance coverage of abortion-inducing drugs, contraceptives, and sterilizations — is among the concerns that led the U.S. bishops to urge a “Fortnight for Freedom” in their recent document: “Our Most Cherished Liberty.”

While acknowledging the “Fortnight” is primarily a “grassroots” promotion and that efforts during it “will take many forms,” Bishop Jenky has called for parishes to participate in a specific series of ways. As outlined in an accompanying letter to pastors from Msgr. James Kruse, vicar general, the “minimum” parish participation should include:

— The reading of the letter from Bishop Jenky at Masses

— Inclusion in bulletins of “Twelve Things Everyone should Know about the ‘Contraceptive Mandate” published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. View the list here.

— Preaching on religious freedom on one or both weekends of the “Fortnight.” Sample homilies from the USCCB were included in the mailing to pastors

— A focus on religious freedom and use of specially written Prayers of the Faithful during Mass on July 4, and

— The ringing of church bells in honor of religious freedom at 11 a.m., where possible, on July 4.

“The national effort, carried out at the local level, will not only educate the faithful concerning the importance of religious freedom but also offer a ‘great hymn of prayer for our country’ at a time when the treasured gifts of freedom are so unmistakably threatened,” wrote Msgr. Kruse.

“Religious freedom is not only about our ability to go to Mass or pray at home,” said Bishop Jenky. “It is about contributing to the common good of our nation by doing the good works that our faith calls us to do. Faith must be put into action.

“Throughout our efforts during the Fortnight for Freedom we will discover again this gift of freedom from God enshrined in our Constitution,” the bishop concluded.

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