Schlarman Academy campaign pledges top goal of $1.5 million

DANVILLE — Schlarman Academy announced this week that its “Our Faith, Our Children, Our Future” capital campaign has met the $1.5 million goal.

A total of $1,505,637 had been pledged by March 8, according to Janet Picillo, development director.

“We are truly grateful for the support we have received for this campaign,” said Picillo. “We are humbled by the generosity that everyone has shown and know that keeping the choice in education is very important for our community.”

“We are also very thankful to all the volunteers who helped organize and implement the campaign,” she added.

Pledges to the campaign are still being accepted. Funds will be used to support student assistance, building needs, technology and program excellence.

Dr. Raymond Broderick and Suzette Kittell served as co-chairs of the campaign. All five Catholic parishes in Vermilion County took part, and the drive also received support from alumni donors and non-Catholics.

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