Scouts of diocese earn religious emblems; urged to be healers

Photo Caption: Father Glenn Harris, diocesan director and chaplain of Catholic Boy and Girl Scouts, hands out a religious emblem to one of more than 100 recipients at the annual Diocesan Scout Mass Feb. 12.

By: By Tom Dermody

Pledges to help other people are part of the Girl Scout and Cub Scout promises as well as the Boy Scout Oath, but youth and adults attending the Diocese of Peoria’s Scout Mass last Sunday afternoon at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria were challenged to be healers as well as helpers.

“We’re all called to be healers,” said Father Glenn Harris, diocesan director and chaplain of Catholic Boy and Girl Scouts.

Recalling the Gospel story of Jesus healing a leper, Father Harris said the Lord continues to heal people, “but now he works through you and me.”
He urged the Scouts — even the youngest Cub Scouts or Brownies — to allow the Holy Spirit to guide them in finding healing words for those who might be “emotionally wounded or spiritually confused.”

Father Harris, who is pastor of St. John the Baptist Parish in Rapids City and St. Mary’s Mission, Hampton, recalled it was a Scout leader who gave him a word of encouragement “that made a difference in my life.”

“It was the encouragement of Scout leaders that got me thinking about the priesthood,” he told an assembly that included 125 Scout youth and seven adults from packs and troops around the diocese who received religious emblems at the conclusion of the Mass. (See complete list at right.)

Dr. Linda Atherton of Champaign, chair of the Diocesan Committee on Scouting which plans the annual celebration, read the names of the award recipients as the Scouts came forward to receive their emblems from Father Harris and Father Dennis Spohrer, who also serves on the diocesan committee.

The emblems, developed by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting and the Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, were earned through months of work, study, and projects that encouraged the youths to more closely encounter and follow Jesus.

For Leo Volker — a Cub Scout from Pack 42 at St. Columba’s Parish, Ottawa, who received the “Light of Christ” emblem — that meant not only working through a “big book” but learning to live his faith in practical ways. Asked the most difficult thing he had to do, Leo replied “forgive someone.”

Working toward the emblem came at the time of his first confession, said parents Todd and Linda Volker, with Todd saying the Scout studies and sacramental preparation “all fit together nicely.”

Last Sunday afternoon’s Mass opened with a presentation of flags and the singing of The Star Spangled Banner. Scouts filled the front pews as well as many liturgical roles including servers, lectors, and gift bearers.

Father Harris explained that Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, was unable to celebrate the day with the Scouts because he was in Rome for his official visit with Pope Benedict XVI.

“The bishop would want me to tell you that he is proud of all of you, that he loves all of you, and he gives his full support to the leaders who are trying to live their Catholic faith as they try to serve the children who are involved in these programs,” said Father Harris.

Providing faith-filled leadership isn’t always easy, said Father Harris.
“Often times it’s like a juggling act, trying to keep the balls of family, work, church and the Boy Scouts and/or Girl Scouts all up in the air,” said
Father Harris, who thanked parents and adult leaders and urged the young
Scouts to do the same.

In an animated homily that called for many shouts of “Amen” from the assembly,” Father Harris noted that 2012 it is a “big and important year for many people.” It is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Girl Scouts in the United States and the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Eagle Scout Award for boys. Father Harris also observed that the Mass was being celebrated on World Marriage Day.

The Mass was followed by a reception at the Spalding Pastoral Center.


Religious emblem recipients

Family of God
Ellen Harris, Alex Plavec (Troop 4644, St. Vincent de Paul, Peoria); Emma Kathryn Graham, Abigail Happ (Troop 2119, St. Thomas, Philo)

I Live My Faith
Jillian Dunn, Cassie Adcock, Molly O’Brien (Troop 4087, St. Edward’s, Chillicothe); Heidi Brya, Sarah Bubon, Lexi Boppart, Jessica Ann Crane, Teagan Walsh DeLorenzo, Makayla Horn, Maeve Ryan Kirby, Lia Znaniecki, Grace Maria Sumitro, Tess Haug, Sophia Behrensmeyer (Troop 2570, St. Matthew, Champaign)

Mary, The First Disciple
Eva Wilhelm, Carissa Daly, Virginia Girsch, Katherine Schneider, Taylor White, Katie Kiser, McKenna Atkins, Morgan Atkins (St. Edward’s, Chillicothe)

Light of Christ
Ryan Bender, Logan Fricke, Trey Socha, Brady Socha (Pack 3028, St. Thomas, Peoria Heights); Tyler Eertmoed, Nicholas Bunnell, Race Ribordy, Conrad Schallmoser, James Hodskins, Quentin Hanley (Pack 18, St. Philomena, Peoria); Samuel Maynard (Pack 109, Sacred Heart, Moline); Joseph Murphy, Ian Howell (Pack 104, St. Mary’s, Canton); Charles Dawson, Will Dawson, David Harris, Daniel Huss, Ben Jacob, Matthew Lawless, Sean Magner, Daniel Marcinak, Brendan Moore, Jacob Nelan, Vincent Newton, Jack Rodgers, Austin Sea (Pack 156, St. Vincent de Paul, Peoria); Jonathan Quandt (Pack 44, St. Luke’s of Eureka, Carlock); Leo Volker (Pack 42, St. Columba’s, Ottawa); Alexander Ballad, Cameron Stellpflug, Brandon Beaver, Charles Cruse (Pack 55, St. Patrick’s of Merna, Bloomington)

Parvuli Dei
Nicholas Atteberry, Martin Kretz, John Symaneski (Pack 53, St. Mary’s, Downs); Ian Lemons, Travis Sprout, Matthew Eertmoed, Brandon McGee, John Lawless, Benjamin Scholl, Logan Quinn, Owen Homolku, Dominic Roder, Christian Franke, Aidan Khoury, Ian Quinn, Nathan Cross, Noah Ribordy (Pack 18, St. Philomena, Peoria); Cameron Flack, Alexander DeWitt, Garrett Castens (Pack 109, Sacred Heart, Moline); Paul Miller (Pack 42, Holy Trinity, Bloomington); Alexander Ruck, Robert Howell IV (Pack 104, St. Mary’s, Canton); Ian Donaldson, Kevin Beta, Mason Stanton, Matthew Forck, Alexander Jordan (Pack 154, Holy Family, Peoria); Nathan Brose, Dylan Combs, Liam Flaherty, Leif Magner, Sam Newton, Andrew Smart (Pack 156, St. Vincent de Paul, Peoria); William Ballad (Pack 55, St. Patrick’s of Merna, Bloomington)

Ad Altare Dei
Hayden Golemon, Bradley Grothaus (Troop 352, St. Mary’s of Kickapoo, Edwards); Dean Burwell (Troop 32, St. Patrick’s, Elmwood); William Meyer (Troop 352, St. Joseph’s, Brimfield); Tom Brya, Timothy Ayers, Evan Brown, Drew Dobbins (Troop 121, St. Matthew’s, Champaign); Will Justice (Troop 9, St. Patrick’s, Urbana); Steven Kretz, Thomas Kretz, Alex Wielander (Troop 53, St. Mary’s, Downs); Garrett Rusk, James Geraghty, Matthew Bender, Noah Lees, Collin Fricke, Nicholas Lees, Jimmy Holmes, Tyler Stone, Jimmy Peters, Nick Hafner, Thomas Kortz (Troop 28, St. Thomas, Peoria Heights); Nicholas Mainz (Troop 355, Immaculate Conception, Monmouth)

Pope Pius XII
Casey Flack (Troop 109, Christ the King, Moline); Benjamin Graves (Troop 109, St. Maria Goretti, Coal Valley); Charles DeWitt (Troop 109, Sacred Heart, Moline); Joshua Lees, Adam Gray, Jacob Sanders, Sean Patrick, Casey Coyle, Daniel Schmidt, Christian Lees, Hugo Toner, Michael Tschirn (Troop 28, St. Thomas, Peoria Heights)

Adult Recognition

Bronze Pelican
Msgr. Jason Gray, St. Vincent de Paul, Peoria; Charles Eugene Walters, Holy Cross, Champaign; Robert L. Ripp, St. Mark’s, Peoria; Patrick (Tim) Roder, Holy Family, Peoria; Kevin Cook, St. Patrick’s of Merna, Bloomington; Paul Harris, St. Vincent de Paul, Peoria

Elizabeth Anne Seton Award
Rhonda Kirts, Holy Cross, Champaign

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