Father Gregory Jarzombek, OSB, is ordained at St. Bede Abbey

Photo Caption: Abbot Philip Davey, OSB, of St. Bede lays hands on Father Gregory’s head in silent prayer after his ordination to the priesthood on Jan. 16.
PERU — Surrounded by his Benedictine brothers, his proud mother and sisters, and many happy well-wishers, Brother Gregory Jarzombek was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, at St. Bede Abbey Church on Jan. 16.
“This has been a deep, profound dream of his for a lot of years and it meant so much to him, so it was good to be able to share that joy,” said Abbot Philip Davey, OSB, of St. Bede Abbey.
“I worked with Brother Gregory when he was in the juniorate, before he went off to study,” Abbot Philip told The Catholic Post as the new priest bestowed first blessings on his family and friends. “I’ve kind of been traveling with him since he’s first been here so it’s almost like having a son graduating.”
Father Gregory, 58, came to St. Bede in 2005, after spending 20 years in New York City, marketing derivative products to Fortune 500 companies. But there was another side to the high-powered executive.
Active in his parish, he served as president of the parish council, provided leadership to the finance committee and stewardship committee, and was involved in religious education and social justice.
“I came to St. Bede to become closer to Christ,” Father Gregory said a few days before his ordination. “I was seeking monastic life.”
He professed his vows as a Benedictine monk in January 2007 and was sent to St. Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, Pa., to study for the priesthood two years later. He was ordained to the transitional diaconate in May 2010.
In addition to his desire to administer the sacraments, Father Gregory brings a tremendous empathy for the poor and the sick to his priesthood, according to Abbot Philip.
“He loves visiting people in nursing homes and visiting the sick at the hospital and had done a fair amount of that in his priestly formation,” Abbot Philip said. “He just seems to have a way of making a connection and being a very consoling and encouraging presence to those people, and it’s not everyone that has that gift.”
He noted that even when Father Gregory returned to the seminary, he would call the families of those he had ministered to and ask how things were going.
Father Gregory has also worked with the poor at Illinois Valley PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter), often taking the overnight shift. As a seminarian he would go into Pittsburgh with another monk on Friday nights to distribute clothing to those in need.
“That social ministry to the sick and the poor and the disadvantaged is something that comes really naturally to him and that I think he’s good at,” Abbot Philip said.
Father Gregory will continue to visit area nursing homes, but will celebrate Mass for the residents instead of offering Communion services. Abbot Philip said the new priest will also help with weekend Masses at the parishes in which the Benedictines serve and with daily Masses at St. Margaret’s Health in Spring Valley.
“He’ll have other duties developing as time goes along,” Abbot Philip said. “There are some irons in the fire and we have to see how they pan out.”
Among those Father Gregory thanked at the end of the ordination liturgy was his 92-year-old mother, Catherine Jarzombek of Park Ridge, whom he credited for his priestly vocation.
“It’s hard to believe,” she told The Post with a smile. “It’s not that he doesn’t deserve it. It’s just that you wait for the day and when it comes, you can’t believe it.”
He will return to his home parish, St. Paul of the Cross in Park Ridge, for his first Mass this Sunday, Jan. 22. Mrs. Jarzombek said the pastor is hoping Father Gregory will stay and celebrate Mass for the students at St. Paul of the Cross School, his alma mater, the next day.
Father Gregory also attended Notre Dame High School for Boys in Niles, graduating in 1971. He holds a bachelor’s degree in finance from Marquette University (1975) and a master’s of business administration in finance from the University of Wisconsin (1976).
“We’re obviously overjoyed,” said his sister, Arlene Porter of Beaufort, S.C. “He’s doing what he should be doing.”
Father Gregory is the first priest ordained at St. Bede since Father Michael Calhoun, OSB, in 2002. Father Michael currently ministers as prior, novice and junior master, and teaches at St. Bede Academy.