Bishop’s Thanksgiving message notes coming Mass changes

Photo Caption: “It is truly a special blessing this year to give thanks for the gift of the new translation of the Roman Missal that will come into general use this Thanksgiving weekend,” writes Bishop Jenky.
Editor’s note: Following is the text of Bishop Daniel R. Jenky’s message for Thanksgiving Day 2011, to be observed Nov. 24.
November, 2011
To the Clergy, Religious, and Faithful of the Diocese of Peoria:
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
One of the first life skills taught to every child is the importance of always saying “please” and “thank you.” Each day, we all have nearly countless occasions to say “thanks.” But it is good that once a year our entire country stops to count our blessings, celebrate with family and friends,
and express our gratitude to Almighty God.
For Catholics, there is no greater act of thanksgiving than the celebration of the Holy Eucharist — a word that comes from the Greek word for “thanksgiving.” It is truly a special blessing this year to give thanks for the gift of the new translation of the Roman Missal that will come into
general use this Thanksgiving weekend. I am especially happy to begin using this new translation as it gives us an opportunity for deeper renewal and a chance to again give thanks for the gift of the Mass.
Across Central Illinois, homes will be filled with the entrancing smells of turkeys and pies and the sounds of laughter and football. We have many reasons to lift our hearts and minds to God. At the same time, let us also be very mindful of those in our community and our world who will
spend this holiday without the comfort of food, family, or faith. May God bless you and your loved ones this Thanksgiving.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C.