High School Youth Rally to return with events on Oct. 8

Photo Caption: Mary Bielski will be among the presenters at High School Youth Rally 2011. Photo from marybielski.com
High school teens and youth group leaders from throughout the Diocese of Peoria are invited to High School Youth Rally 2011, a day of live music, games, and celebration of Mass with Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC.
The rally is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 8, at the Spalding Pastoral Center, 419 N.E. Madison Ave. in Peoria.
Featured speakers will be Mary Bielski, a Catholic youth minister from South Bend., Ind., who travels the U.S. sharing God’s love with teens through inspiring talks and humorous skits, and Father Nathan Cromly, a member of the Princeville-based Community of St. John who is active in youth ministry as well as preaching and publishing.
“Many youth ministers have expressed a strong desire to bring back the Diocesan Youth Rally,” said Craig Dyke, newly appointed director of the Office of Evangelization, of what had been an annual event attended by hundreds of young people. He called the day “an opportunity for the youth of our diocese to be inspired by some amazing talks, while being in the company of a large number of youth from around the diocese, under the leadership of their shepherd, Bishop Jenky.”
Cost is $30 per attendee, or $35 after Sept. 8. For every 10 attendees in a group there will be one free admission. Registration information is online at the Diocese of Peoria website, and more details are available from Dyke at (309) 671-1550.