Bayard to publish new magazine for Catholic singles

NEW LONDON, Conn. (CNS) — Tobias, a new magazine published by Bayard U.S., aims to address the needs of the 27 million single Catholics in the United States.

Dubbed “the magazine for single Catholic living,” Tobias will include articles on singles who dare to make a difference, faith at work and personal stories of courtship and marriage.

It will focus on Catholic singles of all ages and stages in their personal faith journeys — those who are widowed or divorced and single parents, as well as recent college graduates and young professionals.

“Tobias editor Christina Capecchi has her finger on the pulse of the community of single Catholics in the U.S.,” said Bret Thomas, president and CEO of Bayard. “We believe that this audience deserves a high-caliber magazine of their own to help them navigate the challenges of living a Catholic life in a secular culture.”

Capecchi, 28, a former staff writer for The Catholic Spirit, newspaper of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, works as a freelancer and writes the nationally syndicated “Twenty Something” column that appears in about 50 diocesan newspapers, including The Catholic Post. She holds a master’s degree in journalism from Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill.

Tobias will be published quarterly, with the first issue debuting Feb. 1. Subscriptions are available for $9.95 a year. Bulk subscriptions also are offered to parishes.

Bayard U.S. has three divisions — Bayard Magazine Group, which publishes Catholic Digest, Living With Christ, Today’s Parish, Creative Catechist and Exploring the Sunday Readings; Twenty-Third Publications, which publishes books, programs and multimedia materials for pastors, parish staff and pastoral leaders; and Creative Communications for the Parish, which publishes Living Faith magazine and other devotional resources for both Catholic and Protestant parishes.

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