
Look again

By: Fr. Dominic Garramone, OSB Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jan. 24 Nehemiah 8:2-4a,5-6,8-10; Psalm 19:8,9,10,15; 1 Corinthians 12:12-30; Luke 1:1-4, 4:14-21 ONE OF the significant ritual changes of the last few decades is the increased reverence shown to the Book of the Gospels at parish Masses. In most parishes at Sunday Mass, the Gospel […]

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We sure could use a little good news

In the 1970s, vocalist Anne Murray had a hit record with a chorus that ended “We sure could use a little good news today.” As the magnitude of the disaster in Haiti grows, we are grateful for glimmers of hope and good news in the response of generous Catholics in our diocese. Many are detailed […]

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Attend D.C. March for Life? Send photos and thoughts

HAVE GOOD photos from your trip to the national March for Life? The Catholic Post would like to share them with the diocese in our next issue. E-mail two or three of your best ones, along with any necessary identifications, to by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 26. Did something about this year’s march move […]

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Message at Peoria pro-life rally: ‘Be whole life’

Pro-life proponents must embrace “whole life,” a series of speakers told nearly 200 people Tuesday night at a Sanctity of Human Life Rally at Sacred Heart Church in downtown Peoria. Gathering just days before the 37th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions legalizing abortion, the rally participants were challenged to continue efforts to protect […]

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Lay missioner from Urbana applauded by president, parish

By Tom Dermodyof The Catholic Post URBANA — The letter of congratulations came from the President of the United States, but receiving it Sunday in front of supportive parishioners at St. Patrick’s Church here made the moment all the more special for Dr. Susan Nagele. “I told them we did it all together, and that […]

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Bishop Jenky invites Catholics to Springfield rally March 3

CATHOLICS from around Illinois are being called to Springfield again in March, but this time they will take to their knees in prayer before taking to the halls of government to lobby their state representatives. Sponsored by the Catholic Conference of Illinois (CCI), the Second Annual Catholics at the Capitol will take place on Wednesday, […]

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Volunteers, donors from diocese offer Haiti help and hope

Photo Caption: Suzie Pilon, RN, triages patients at the Friends of the Children of Haiti clinic in Cyvadier. By: By Jennifer Willems Death and destruction have taken their toll on the island nation of Haiti in the days that followed the devastating earthquake of Jan. 12, as have the aftershocks that continue to threaten the […]

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Pastor of Epiphany, Normal, to receive national schools award

Photo Caption: Msgr. Eric Powell, pastor of Epiphany Parish in Normal, has been chosen to receive the National Catholic Educational Association’s Distinguished Pastor Award. NORMAL — Msgr. Eric Powell led the celebration for Epiphany School when it was designated a Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education in 2011. Now the school and […]

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Local volunteers safe after Haiti earthquake

Keeping the poor people of Haiti alive and well has never been more important for the Friends of the Children of Haiti. Deacon Richard Hammond and his wife, Barb, of Bartonville, and volunteer Larry Shank had returned to the organization’s clinic in Cyvadier this week to prepare for the visit of a medical team from […]

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The High School of Saint Thomas More bestows awards

Each year The High School of Saint Thomas More in Champaign hosts “Showcase of Thanks,” a donor appreciation brunch to honor its loyal and committed supporters. Two people came away from last month’s event with awards recognizing their commitment and service to the school. The 2009 Paideia Award was given to John May, who was […]

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