Presentation Sisters create ‘new path’ in Princeton

PRINCETON — Sister Anne Germaine Picard, SMP, was about 13 when she read about St. Joan of Arc and the story of the young “maid of Orleans” had a profound impact on her life.

“I had in my heart a desire to be a soldier for Christ and to fight for the faith,” she recalled.

She has never had to raise a sword or lead troops into battle, but in nearly 50 years as a member of the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation Sister Anne Germaine has tried to lead people to Christ in whatever she has been called to do. In addition to serving as an x-ray technician and CCD teacher, she has also been involved in campus ministry and pastoral ministry in North Dakota and Illinois.

Last December she added vocations director for the U.S. Province of the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation to that long list. With her new ministry came a move to Princeton, where she now shares a house with Sister Elaine Lange, SMP, and Sister Kimberly Souba, SMP, who teach at St. Louis School.

The religious community has a long and happy association with the parish and school and that makes Princeton a good place for their vocations outreach, Sister Anne Germaine said.

“Their presence promotes vocation ministry,” she said of Sister Elaine and Sister Kimberly. “They’re younger and they love their vocation.”

That has already resulted in a visit from nine St. Louis junior high girls to the house the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation now call their home.

“We wanted them to have an experience of our life,” Sister Anne Germaine said. “We had prayer, played games and ate pizza. It was a wonderful afternoon.”

She told The Catholic Post that she hopes there will be more days like that as they share their life and charism with women of all ages.

“We’re creating a new path. I’m praying a lot, discerning where that path is,” Sister Anne Germaine said, adding that she put a lot of thought into her mission statement, goals and objectives.

“I really wanted to be led by the Lord,” she told The Catholic Post. “I wanted this to be Spirit-led.”

Editor’s note: For more information about the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation, contact Sister Anne Germaine Picard, SMP, by phone at (815) 915-2096 or by e-mail at

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