Rallies marking abortion anniversary set for days after inauguration

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Thousands of pro-life marchers are expected to rally in Washington Jan. 22 to commemorate the 36th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion, just days after President-elect Barack Obama is inaugurated. Abortion opponents also will hold multiple events in the nation’s capital and throughout the U.S. the day before and the day of the official 2009 March for Life, as well as the following days. The main event will begin with a noon rally on the National Mall, followed by a march along Constitution Avenue that will end at the U.S. Supreme Court. From there, participants are encouraged to meet with members of Congress to lobby on abortion-related issues. “We shall be a large group of Americans to bring our prayers and our important simple pro-life message to this new administration and new Congress,” organizers of the march wrote on the official Web site, www.marchforlife.org. The theme of this year’s march is “Remember — The Life Principles Mean ‘Equal Care’ With No Exceptions,” meaning the intentional killing of even one unborn human is never justified or necessary, the Web site said.

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