Darin and Molly’s wedding day highlights

Final in a series

GENESEO — United in faith and love, Darin Ries and Molly McKean are now united in marriage.

They joined their lives on Nov. 8, during a Mass at St. John the Baptist Church in Bradford. The daughter of Peter and Mary McKean, Molly was a lifelong member of the parish.

One of her former pastors, Father John Thieryoung, was the celebrant for the marriage liturgy. Witnessing their vows was Darin’s father, Deacon Art Reis of St. Malachy’s Parish in Geneseo.

One of the highlights of their wedding came before the Mass started, Molly said.

“There was a lovely rosary before,” she said. “While the people prayed downstairs we went up to the choir loft and hid up there to pray.”

“We tried to keep the focus on the Mass,” Darin said. “There was not a lot of pomp and circumstance.”

Serving as the junior maid of honor and junior best man were Darin’s children from his first marriage, Abby and Matthew.

“Abby did great,” Molly said. “Matthew was pretty tired by the time we got to the church. He woke up for the party afterward!”

The Rieses joined about 200 of their family members and friends for a buffet dinner and dancing at the Galleria Convention Center in Princeton after the 4 p.m. Mass.

The newlyweds took Abby and Matthew to Disney World in Florida for a family vacation, but a honeymoon for just the two of them is in the works.

“We aren’t going to tell anyone where we’re going,” Molly said with a laugh. “We’re just going to disappear.”

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