By: Tom Dermody - March 28, 2019 -
Featured Article
Bishop Jenky, Leah Darrow, Sister Bernadette, Victoria Kortz, Youth Rally
Following an afternoon of talks, games, adoration, and the sacrament of reconciliation on March 23, participants in the Diocesan Youth Rally make their way from the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria to St. Mary's Cathedral for a closing Mass celebrated by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)
Every day presents choices between authentic love and imitation love, and a former fashion model urged 150 teens attending the 2019 Diocesan Youth Rally on March 23 to say “yes” to authentic love. “Too often our world distorts love and says it’s just about this act or this feeling and you can do whatever you […]
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By: Tom Dermody - November 8, 2018 -
Featured Article
Abide in Me, Alleman High School, Bloomington, Corpus Christi, Father Eric Bolek, Sarah Hogan, Sister Bernadette
Father Eric Bolek carried Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to each participant in the Abide in Me diocese-wide youth retreat for a moment of personal encounter and adoration. The 40-hour retreat for high school students took place Nov. 2-4 at Corpus Christi School in Bloomington. Father Bolek is chaplain of The High School of Saint Thomas More in Champaign and parochial vicar of St. Matthew in Champaign and St. Boniface, Seymour. (Provided photo/Daryl Wilson)
BLOOMINGTON — Nearly 100 high school students from across the Diocese of Peoria accepted an invitation to be in Jesus’ eucharistic Presence throughout a weekend retreat called Abide in Me hosted Nov. 2-4 at Corpus Christi School here. “The whole mission of the retreat is to really give each of the youth a profound and […]
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