Bishop Jenky joined Pedaling Priests’ ride during a stop at Peoria Notre Dame

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, rides around the gymnasium at Peoria Notre Dame High School in a four-wheeler fit for a bishop to join the Priests Pedaling for Prayers at a school assembly on April 18. At the wheel is Deacon Matt Levy of Silvis. Helping to provide the pedal power is Chris Gavin of Monmouth. On the bicycle is Father Adam Cesarek. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)
Everyone at Peoria Notre Dame High School was prepared to see Father Tom Otto, Father Adam Cesarek, Father Michael Pica and Deacon Matt Levy ride their bicycles into the Kelly Needham Gym on April 18 as part of Priests Pedaling for Prayers. But no one expected to see Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, enter with […]
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