
POST POLL: Name 3 election issues that matter most

The “Post Poll” is a reader participation feature of The Catholic Post. Responses are posted here as they arrive and also may appear in the weekly diocesan newspaper. To take part, send an email to, or use the “Email Us” link at the left of this page. Put “Post Poll” in the subject line, […]

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Benedictine friends invite men, women to vocations experiences

They share a Benedictine way of life and a longtime friendship, and now Sister Bobbi Bussan, OSB, of St. Mary Monastery in Rock Island, and Father Ronald Margherio, OSB, of St. Bede Abbey and Academy in Peru, are collaborating on four days of discernment for adults. “A Sun-Day of Reflection” for single Catholic men and […]

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Golden anniversary couples to celebrate at cathedral Sept. 21

Nearly 80 couples who are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their marriage in 2008 will be the guests of honor at a Mass and reception planned for Sunday, Sept. 21. Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, will celebrate the 3:30 p.m. Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria and then join the couples and their guests […]

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The ‘Spirit of Hope’ benefit

When fundraisers get planned, the organizers usually have some idea of what they’d like to do and who they’d like to feature as the guest artist that will bring people together around their cause. That wasn’t the case with The “Spirit of Hope” Concert, however, which is planned for Saturday, Sept. 20, as a benefit […]

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Hate in India, our front yard

By: By Thomas J. Dermody It was a tale of endured torture told by someone grateful to be alive. The victim recalled how at one point the captors poured kerosene on his head and threatened to strike a match. He and a companion were repeatedly kicked, beaten with iron rods and dragged through the streets […]

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What are we hearing?

By: By Barbara Roedel Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sept. 7 Ezekiel 33:7-9; Psalm 95:1-2,6-7,8-9; Romans 13:8-10; Matthew 18:15-20 Today’s readings challenge us to be active listeners. In the first reading, the Lord tells Ezekiel that he is to listen and act when he hears the Lord’s voice. The Lord advises the prophet that he […]

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Galesburg native connects with God through creation

Photo Caption: Sister Ann Sullivan, SP, a native of Galesburg, picks tomatoes in an organic garden at the White Violet Center for Eco-Justice at the Sisters of Providence motherhouse near Terre Haute, Ind. By: By Tom Dermody ST. MARY-OF-THE-WOODS, Ind. — Sister Ann Sullivan, SP, is well connected, but not with the rich and famous. […]

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Lithuanian archbishop says Western ideas have affected Catholicism

KAUNAS, Lithuania (CNS) — A Lithuanian archbishop said freedom and Western ideas have led to a resistance to Catholic teaching and severe clergy shortages in the former Soviet republic. “Freedom has brought people many possibilities, but most aren’t capable of using it responsibly, and this is also a test for the church,” said Archbishop Sigitas […]

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Church petitions Indian Supreme Court to protect Christians in Orissa

NEW DELHI (CNS) — The Catholic Church in India has petitioned the country’s Supreme Court to protect Christian lives and property in Orissa state. Archbishop Raphael Cheenath of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar told the Asian church news agency UCA News Sept. 2 that the church decided to approach the highest court “as we are not getting sufficient response” […]

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Parental notice law back on California ballot, faces well-funded foes

SAN FRANCISCO (CNS) — Pro-life groups are asking California voters to approve a measure that would prohibit abortions involving underage girls until 48 hours after a parent or other family member has been notified. Proposition 4, commonly referred to as “Sarah’s Law,” qualified for the Nov. 4 ballot. It will be the third parental notification […]

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