
The joy of our souls

By: By Msgr. Stuart Swetland Third Sunday of Advent, Dec. 14 Isaiah 61:1-2a,10-11; (Psalm) Luke 1:46-48,49-50,53-54; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; John 1:6-8,19-28 Who are you? This question is often asked. In our modern world our identity can be our most guarded possession. We are asked to offer proof of identity all the time: traveling, shopping, on […]

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Human rights are ‘fragile’ if ethical foundation ignored, pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The foundation upon which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is based will remain fragile if its ethical and divine origins are ignored, Pope Benedict XVI said during a Vatican commemoration of the document’s 60th anniversary. While much has been done over the past decades to promote and safeguard human rights […]

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Planned Parenthood gift certificates for holidays called ‘offensive’

INDIANAPOLIS (CNS) — A holiday gift-certificate campaign by Planned Parenthood of Indiana “is offensive because Christmas is about celebrating the gift of human life,” said the director of the pro-life ministry office of the Indianapolis Archdiocese. Sister Diane Carollo made the comments in a nationally televised interview Dec. 3 on ABC’s “Evening News.” The Planned […]

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UN receives petitions for and against abortion as ‘universal right’

UNITED NATIONS (CNS) — On the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Dec. 10, petitions for and against declaring abortion as a “universal right” were presented to U.N. members. More than a year ago, Marie Stopes International, a London-based abortion advocacy group, initiated a petition drive calling for “women’s rights to contraception […]

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Nobel Son

Rating: L (R) NEW YORK (CNS) — The following is a capsule review of a movie recently reviewed by the Office for Film & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Convoluted and gritty thriller in which the slacker son (Bryan Greenberg) of an arrogant chemistry professor (Alan Rickman) and a forensic psychologist (Mary […]

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Excitement builds as Guadalupe feast nears

Excitement is building around the Diocese of Peoria as parishes prepare to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Friday, Dec. 12. “We have had volunteers come in to ask if there was anything they could do. This is the first time,” said Maria Ramirez of Holy Family Parish in Danville. “The Holy […]

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Post Poll: What do you resolve?

The current “Post Poll” asks readers to share their “resolutions” for the new church year, which began on Sunday, Nov. 30, with the first Sunday of Advent. What prayers, devotions or spiritual reading will you be taking up as you prepare for the coming of Christ into your life at Christmas and throughout the year? […]

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Stewardship . . . not just a word at St. Malachy’s

GENESEO — “Stewardship” isn’t just a word on a spelling test or a vocabulary quiz for the students of St. Malachy’s School. During the past year it became a part of the curriculum when the students were asked to help a well-loved St. Malachy’s parishioner facing a terminal disease. In July last year, Mr. Brad […]

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Galesburg woman has 300 Nativity sets

GALESBURG — Mary Wright is the first to admit that if she walks into a store and there’s a Nativity set there somewhere, she’ll find it. “They just sort of call out to me,” she said with a smile. Those “calls” and the kindness of her many friends over the years have made her the […]

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State Supreme Court to review Provena Covenant tax appeal

URBANA — The Illinois Supreme Court has agreed to review a Fourth District Appellate Court ruling in August that canceled the property tax exemption of Provena Covenant Medical Center. Provena had filed a petition for “leave to appeal” that ruling in September, and the state’s high court granted that petition last Wednesday. “We are pleased […]

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