
Pastor from Normal donates kidney to parishioner

Between 40 and 50 kidney transplants take place at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria every year and last week one of them was made possible by Msgr. Eric Powell, pastor of Epiphany Parish in Normal. Msgr. Powell, 45, donated one of his kidneys to an Epiphany parishioner during a two-hour surgery on Easter […]

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Hollywood actor to speak at cathedral rosary event May 3

Hollywood actor J. Omar Castro will be present at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on Sunday, May 3, for a Marian prayer event that includes the screening of a segment of the new release “Rosary Stars: Praying the Gospel.” Family Theater Productions announced this week that Castro — one of 21 young adult celebrities featured […]

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Catholic men to take public stand for faith April 25

The throng of Catholic men from across the diocese expected to prayerfully walk with Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, through downtown Peoria next Saturday, April 25, in a public demonstration of faith will likely include many fathers with their sons. Former professional soccer player Chase Hilgenbrinck is looking forward to walking with his dad at […]

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Mercy to believe

By: Father Douglas Grandon Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday), April 19 Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 118:2-4,13-15,22-24; 1 John 5:1-6; John 20:19-31 “Famous atheist now believes in God” was the headline of a Dec. 9, 2004, Associated Press story about the conversion of an Oxford professor, Anthony Flew, from atheism to the belief that God […]

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Faith-inspired volunteerism

What do a kidney, a towel, a paintbrush, and cookies have in common? In this issue of The Catholic Post, they are all related to examples of faith-inspired volunteerism. We find it not coincidental but providential that this unplanned thread running through our pages this week came together as National Volunteer Week opens in the […]

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Obama lays out economic steps, plans in Georgetown University speech

WASHINGTON (CNS) — President Barack Obama was warmly welcomed to Georgetown University April 14 for a speech on the economy, in which he said that although more tough times lie ahead, including additional layoffs and stock market ups and downs, “for the very first time, we’re beginning to see glimmers of hope.” In a 45-minute […]

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Bishops: Paraguayan president’s admission of child hurts church image

ASUNCION, Paraguay (CNS) — The revelation that Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo, a former Catholic bishop, fathered a child before being laicized has damaged the church’s image, the country’s Catholic bishops said. Bishop Ignacio Gogorza Izaguirre of Encarnacion called the news “a blow against our church.” In a statement issued April 14, a day after Lugo […]

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