
Discerning God’s plan leads La Moille native to the seminary

Photo Caption: Jacob Rose stands in front of Immaculate Conception Chapel at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md., where he is in his third year of theology studies. By: By Jacob Rose EDITOR’S NOTE: The following reflection was written by Jacob Rose, a seminarian of the Diocese of Peoria who is in his third […]

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Goal is to be ‘lifted up’ with Jesus in every way

By: By Msgr. Stuart Swetland Fourth Sunday of Lent, March 18 2 Chronicles 36:14-16,19-23; Psalm 137:1-2,3,4-5,6; Ephesians 2:4-10; John 3:14-21 Jesus’ dialogue with Nicodemus is so beautiful. Nicodemus will remain a disciple of Jesus from this moment even at the risk of his own status, social position and, even, his very life. A canonized saint, […]

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Diaconate community thanks its servant-leader, Msgr. Beebe

Photo Caption: Msgr. Charles Beebe, PA, accepts a sculpture of “The Divine Servant” showing Jesus washing the feet of Peter, an expression of the diaconate community’s gratitude for his two decades of leadership. By: By Tom Dermody One by one they came forward on March 3, sharing memories of as well as love and gratitude […]

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Bishop Jenky urges diocese’s deacons to be ‘truth tellers’

Photo Caption: Members of the permanent diaconate community convening in Peoria March 3 sing “Happy Birthday” to Bishop Jenky and present him with 3 cakes, including one bearing his coat-of-arms in frosting. By: By Tom Dermody As the church faces “terribly serious” threats to religious freedom nationally and also confronts local challenges, Bishop Daniel R. […]

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Catholic women make voices heard on visit to State Capitol

Photo Caption: Agnes Christman of Danville, vice president of the Peoria DCCW and chair of its legislation committee, presents a letter to a member of Gov. Quinn’s staff as Joan Weber and Nympha White look on. SPRINGFIELD — If Illinois lawmakers don’t know where their Catholic constituents stand on pro-life legislation currently being considered it […]

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Another reason for all Catholic men to attend march April 14

Catholic men of the Diocese of Peoria — who gather by the hundreds every spring to take a public stand in defense of faith, family, and the priesthood — have another urgent reason to attend this year’s “A Call to Catholic Men of Faith” on Saturday, April 14: To defend religious freedom, threatened on both […]

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List of “Behold” women bloggers includes many Catholic ‘heroes’

Photo Caption: Sister Helena Burns, FSP, one of 13 prominent Catholic women bloggers featured at the “Behold” conference, chats with attendees between sessions. Everyone needs heroes and inviting Catholic women bloggers was one way of providing them for the 560 participants at “Behold: A Catholic Conference on the Dignity and Vocation of Women,” said executive […]

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‘Behold’ conference draws 600 women for ‘spiritual spa day’

Photo Caption: Rose Marie Rudolph, executive director of the “Behold” conference, thanks the 37 directors who worked to make the March 10 Catholic gathering on the dignity and vocation of women possible. By: By Jennifer Willems EAST PEORIA — Words like “spa” and “spiritual” usually aren’t used in the same sentence — unless you’re talking […]

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Behold, an amazing day for all Catholic women

In only its third year, the Behold Conference has gone from a parish-based, grassroots gathering promoting the dignity and vocation of women to a major annual Catholic event that is drawing interest well beyond central Illinois. That doesn’t happen without a lot of prayer, hard work, and Holy Spirit-inspired creativity — traits plainly evident in […]

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Omaha opens sainthood cause for founder of Boys Town

OMAHA, Neb. (CNS) — It started in 1917 with a rented house, five boys who needed a home in Omaha and a Catholic priest determined to help troubled and abandoned youths throughout the city. Now, Boys Town helps more than 1.6 million people each year through its main campus of group homes, churches, a grade […]

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