
Diocese’s priests recommit to service at annual Chrism Mass

By: By Jennifer Willems CAPTION: With the holy oils before them, the priests serving in the Diocese of Peoria gather around Bishop Jenky for the eucharistic prayer at the Chrism Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems) More photos from the Chrism Mass have been posted to The Catholic Post’s site on Facebook. […]

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CNS reviews of recent films on the basis of moral suitability

Photo Caption: Brian Bosworth and Makenzie Moss star in a scene from the movie “Do You Believe.” The Catholic News Service classification is A-II — adults and adolescents. Rating: By Catholic News Service The following movie reviews are supplied by Catholic News Service in conjunction with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Office of […]

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OSF Saint Paul Medical Center in Mendota dedicated, blessed

Photo Caption: The transition from Mendota Community Hospital to OSF Saint Paul Medical Center took nearly a year. By: By Jennifer Willems MENDOTA — With a new president on deck and generous helpings of thanks, prayer and holy water, Mendota Community Hospital became OSF Saint Paul Medical Center here on April 1. The dedication and […]

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Men will focus on ‘fatherhood’ at annual march, Mass April 18

Fatherhood — both spiritual and natural — will be celebrated and encouraged when hundreds of men from around the diocese join Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, for the 12th annual “A Call to Catholic Men of Faith” men’s march and Mass in Peoria on Saturday morning, April 18. The annual public display of faith begins […]

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Best leaders listen . . . to God, say diocesan seminar speakers

Photo Caption: Andy Meister of St. Jude Parish in Chillicothe makes a point during his presentation at the Faith-Based Leadership Seminar at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria on March 28. By: By Tom Dermody Leaders are often known for inspiring speeches, like Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” or General George Patton’s […]

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We are called to extend mercy, not just receive it

By: By Father Tom Kelly Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy)/April 12 Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 118:2-4,13-15,22-24; 1 John 5:1-6; Sequence: Victimae Paschali Laudes; John 20:19-31 The words from the Gospel passage that jump off the page in my view are, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are […]

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Former paratrooper takes leap of faith at Rock Island parish

Photo Caption: Msgr. Mark Merdian baptizes Chuck Gibbs during the Easter Vigil liturgy at St. Pius X Parish in Rock Island on April 4. Gibbs was one of eight people received into the Catholic Church at St. Pius X. By: By Jennifer Willems ROCK ISLAND — For 39 years, Chuck Gibbs often went to Mass […]

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Annual Diocesan Appeal to be conducted weekend of April 18-19

By: By Tom Dermody Saying “it is our responsibility to share the Good News, and not just hold it to ourselves,” Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, has encouraged generous financial support for the 2015 Annual Diocesan Appeal. The appeal, which is the major source of revenue for the ministries and agencies of the Diocese of […]

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Hundreds of new Catholics are welcomed at Easter Vigil Masses

Caption: Msgr. Mark Merdian pours newly blessed water from the baptismal font at St. Pius X Parish in Rock Island over the head of Megan Boemecke at the Easter Vigil on April 4. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems) —– After months of preparation, study, and prayer, nearly 200 new Catholics received the sacraments of initiation at […]

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