
“Battle of the Sexes” (Fox Searchlight)

Emma Stone and Steve Carell star in a scene from the movie "Battle of the Sexes." The Catholic News Service classification is L -- limited adult audience, films whose problematic content many adults would find troubling. (CNS/Twentieth Century Fox)

By Catholic News Service The early 1970s in all its revanchist sexism, double-knit-fabric garishness and choking cigarette smoke is the setting of the coming-of-age story for women’s tennis, as Billie Jean King (Emma Stone) takes on Bobby Riggs (Steve Carell) in the famed 1973 exhibition match in Houston’s Astrodome. This lightly fictionalized version of history […]

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Bishop Jenky seeks prayers for Sheen cause

The New York court has granted Joan Sheen Cunningham the right to remove the remains of her uncle, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (pictured), from St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City for transfer to St. Mary's Cathedral in Peoria.

Next week is “a crucial step” in the beatification cause of Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, said Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC. In a letter to Catholics of the Diocese of Peoria dated Oct. 4, the bishop requested prayers for a favorable court ruling after a hearing in New York on Tuesday that could be […]

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Poised and ready, Peru Catholic School executed its emergency plan Sept. 25

A police-requested evacuation went smoothly at Peru Catholic School and the building became a headquarters for local and state law enforcement after an incident in the school neighborhood on Sept. 25. (Photo from

PERU — It was the call no principal wants to get. Peru Catholic School went on a “soft lockdown” early in the day on Sept. 25 after Amy Perona, principal, was notified that the Peru Police Department would be executing a home eviction in the neighborhood. While they didn’t anticipate a problem, they heard the […]

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Safety assessments coming to diocesan schools for emergency preparedness

During a recent drill, the 19 students in Kathy Mazander's class at St. Mary School in Kickapoo were quietly huddled behind a desk with the lights off and the door locked within seconds. They didn't respond, even when principal Rick Pantages knocked on the door and rattled the handle. That's the goal, he said. In addition, reflective film has been placed on all the windows, so a potential intruder would not be able to look into the classrooms from the outside. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

Every Catholic school in the Diocese of Peoria is expected to have an emergency preparedness plan in place and hold drills for a variety of situations, including if there is an active assailant in the building, tornadoes, fires, and even earthquakes. To make certain the schools have everything they need, consultants have been hired to […]

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Bloomington pair, deaf since childhood, celebrate 50 years of marriage, family

Judith Meisenbach signs “I do” as she and her husband of 50 years, George, renew their marriage vows at the Diocese of Peoria’s Anniversary Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on Sept. 24. Both Judith and George, members of St. Patrick Church of Merna in Bloomington, have been deaf since childhood. (The Catholic Post/Tom Dermody)

When nearly 100 golden and silver anniversary couples renewed their marriage vows at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria on Sept. 24, George and Judith Meisenbach of Bloomington — standing in a front pew — were the only ones not to voice “I do” to one another. They signed it. Both George and Judith, members of […]

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Illinois’ new taxpayer-funded abortion law decried as a ‘grave moral error’

The Catholic Conference of Illinois reacted quickly and strongly Sept. 28 to news that Gov. Bruce Rauner had signed “misguided” legislation that expands public funding of abortion and protects it even if the U.S. Supreme Court would overturn Roe vs. Wade. “We are deeply disturbed that Governor Rauner has broken his word and firm public […]

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Diocesan pilgrims travel to Oklahoma for beatification of Fr. Stanley Rother

Sister M. Loretta Matas, DSF, of Lacon venerates the relic of Blessed Stanley Rother before the Mass for his beatification begins in Oklahoma City. The regional superior of the Daughters of St. Francis of Assisi, she said to have the beatification take place in the United States was a blessing for the whole church. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

OKLAHOMA CITY — No one knows what will be asked of them when they make a commitment to follow Christ. Certainly Father Stanley Rother could not have known that he would be called to make the ultimate sacrifice when he volunteered to serve in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City’s mission in Guatemala. But on Sept. […]

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Post editor shares ‘unique perspective’ of pro-life reporting at Respect Life Dinner

Tom Dermody, editor of The Catholic Post, shared some of the memorable stories from his 38 years of covering pro-life activity in the Diocese of Peoria as keynote speaker of the annual Respect Life Dinner on Oct. 1. (The Catholic Post/Jennifer Willems)

While food for thought is always served along with an excellent meal at the annual Respect Life Dinner in Peoria, guests also received helpings of praise, hope and encouragement when Tom Dermody, editor of The Catholic Post, exchanged his notebook and camera for a spot behind the microphone. More than 150 people gathered at Barrack’s […]

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Not with our tax money

It is irony of the saddest type that Illinois, which gave the nation the eloquent statesman U.S. Rep. Henry Hyde, now has taxpayer-funded abortion signed into state law. After all, it was Hyde, a powerful champion for those with no voice during his 32 years in the U.S. House of Representatives, who authored the 1976 […]

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World hungers for the ‘Kingdom Fruit’ God asks us to produce in the vineyard

Tim Irwin

By Tim Irwin Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time/Oct. 8 Isaiah 5:1-7; Psalm 80:9,12,13-14,15-16,19-20; Philippians 4:6-9; Matthew 21:33-43 The Church offers excerpts from the 21st and 22nd chapters of the Gospel according to St. Matthew for the month of October. These passages recount the final teachings of Jesus before his passion, death, and resurrection. Jesus’s relationship with […]

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