Bishop: At Mass, God offers us ‘a bounty that is without end’

Photo Caption: At every Mass we “experience a richness and bounty that is without end,” said Bishop Jenky at the Diocesan Mass of Thanksgiving on Nov. 21.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Following is an excerpt from the homily by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, at Sunday’s diocesan Mass of Thanksgiving celebrated at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Peoria. The Mass, on the feast of Christ the King, included prayers of gratitude for the harvest and the work of our farmers, as well as for the service to the church of diocesan honorees recognized in past years.


How could we ever worthily thank our Good God for all he has done and won for us? Well, God Himself is so good and wonderful He has generously given us the means.

The Mass is the effective sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving, because the Mass remembers, and truly makes present to us, the Lord’s one perfect sacrifice on the altar of the Cross.

In the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Jesus pours out his love for his Father, and even for all of us. There is no limit to this outpouring, because the grace and goodness of Christ is limitless.

As family and friends gather for Thanksgiving, at the table of the Lord we already experience a richness and a bounty that is without end.

So thank you, God, for your gracious goodness. And thank you honorees and all the People of God, for hearing and believing and living this great Good News. — Most Rev. Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, Bishop of Peoria

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