
Cured U.S. deacon to read Gospel at Newman’s beatification Mass

LONDON (CNS) — An American who was inexplicably healed from a crippling spinal condition after praying to the intercession of Cardinal John Henry Newman will read the Gospel and serve as a deacon when Pope Benedict XVI beatifies the cardinal in September. Deacon Jack Sullivan of Marshfield, Mass., told Catholic News Service he was asked […]

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Pope says faith creates joy, even in midst of suffering

CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (CNS) — Even when the Catholic Church suffers, “faith creates joy,” Pope Benedict XVI said after previewing a German television film about his first five years in office. The film, “Five Years of Pope Benedict XVI,” was produced by the Bavarian network Bayerischer Rundfunk and is scheduled for a Christmas season broadcast […]

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Process on closed Boston parishes ends, protests continue

BRAINTREE, Mass. (CNS) — Although the Archdiocese of Boston has received official word from the Vatican denying the appeals of nine churches shuttered by the archdiocese in 2004, round-the-clock protests continue at several of the churches. In a July 15 statement, archdiocesan spokesman Terry Donilon said the archdiocese has received Vatican decrees regarding the appeals […]

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2010 Annual Diocesan Appeal opens; view the video here

With an acknowledgement of both the difficult economic times and the “many, many gifts that God has bestowed on us,” Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, has opened the Annual Diocesan Appeal in parishes across the diocese. The theme of the 2010 appeal, which seeks $5.4 million to support the various ministries and agencies of the […]

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Funeral Mass held at St. Bede for Fr. Stephen Souse, OSB

PERU ? A funeral Mass was celebrated Tuesday, July 27, at St. Bede Abbey Church for Father Stephen Souse, OSB, 93, the registrar at St. Bede Academy since 1950 and the eldest member of the monastic community. Father Stephen, a former teacher who throughout most of his 67 years as a Benedictine priest assisted at […]

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Dwight parish dinner raises $11,500 for tornado relief

DWIGHT — A “tornado relief benefit” sponsored by St. Patrick’s Parish, the Knights of Columbus, and the parish Altar and Rosary Society raised about $11,500 to assist victims of the June 5 storm that caused extensive damage to the village’s south side. More than 800 meals were served June 19 during the fundraiser at St. […]

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Seminarian fund named for Msgr. Carton; dinner Aug. 6

A fund to support college seminarians of the Diocese of Peoria is being established and will be named for the late Msgr. George A. Carton, longtime diocesan chancellor. The fund and its goals will be explained at a dinner scheduled for Friday, Aug. 6, at the Spalding Pastoral Center in Peoria. Persons attending the dinner […]

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Fr. Brunskill, pastor in Havana, Manito, granted senior status

Call him a senior priest, but don’t call Father Richard Brunskill retired.Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, has granted Father Brunskill senior status for health reasons. The appointment becomes effective Aug. 11. The pastor of St. Patrick’s Parish in Havana and Immaculate Conception Mission in Manito until then, Father Brunskill said he will remain active — […]

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After year of construction, Epiphany in Normal returns “home”

NORMAL — “Welcome home.” With those words, met with enthusiastic applause from the assembly, Msgr. Eric Powell, pastor, greeted members of Epiphany Parish who were celebrating Mass in their church on July 10 for the first time since a major renovation and expansion began more than a year ago. And what a beautiful spiritual home […]

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Getting a glimpse of prayer through the eyes of Jesus

By: By Sister Rachel Bergschneider, OSB Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 25Genesis 18:20-32; Psalm 138:1-2,2-3,6-7,7-8; Colossians 2:12-14; Luke 11:1-13 You may have heard the story about the man who was chased off a cliff by a tiger. He fell, and just managed to hold on to a branch. Six feet above him stood the […]

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