
St. Francis of Assisi, Otttawa, hosts jubilee Mass this Sunday

OTTAWA — When Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, travels to Ottawa on Sunday for the Mass and dinner celebrating the 150th anniversary of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, he will see what a lot of faith and a little German determination can accomplish. Bishop Jenky will serve as the presider and homilist at the jubilee […]

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Money follows mission

Mission, not money, should be the primary focus of any Catholic institution that aims for ongoing development and growth. That theme was repeated throughout the Diocese of Peoria’s Development Conference last Thursday at the Cornerstone Building near downtown Peoria. John Gibson, diocesan director of development and stewardship, welcomed the largest crowd yet to the annual […]

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Respect Life events planned in October

Since 1972, the year before the United States’ Supreme Court legalized abortion, the U.S. bishops have designated the first Sunday of October as Respect Life Sunday. This year’s observance is Oct. 5. Throughout the Diocese of Peoria and across the country on that day, Catholics and likeminded people will form “Life Chains” in silent and […]

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Priests compose blessing for hunters as deer season opens

MACOMB — While hunters across central Illinois are preparing for the opening of whitetail deer season Oct. 1, two priests of the Diocese of Peoria have declared open season on the souls of hunters by devising a special blessing for them. The “Blessing of Hunters,” which has received approval from Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, […]

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Manito native promoting new pro-marriage movie

Monique Sondag has seen the new pro-marriage movie “Fireproof” dozens of times, even though the film doesn’t open in theaters until this weekend and Monique, 24, isn’t married. But the daughter of Deacon Bob and Theresa Sondag of Immaculate Conception Parish in Manito has criss-crossed the country promoting “Fireproof,” especially among church groups. She is […]

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Sheen Endowment awards 60 grants for faith formation

Bible studies for teens and adults, parish missions, a pioneering preschool religious education venture and a fall retreat for parish catechetical leaders are among the projects receiving grants from the Diocese of Peoria’s Fulton Sheen Endowment for Religious Education and Adult Faith Formation this fall. Sixty grants to 29 parishes totaling $26,973 were approved by […]

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Muslim-Catholic women’s dialogue planned in Moline

For the last two years, the Muslim-Catholic Women’s Dialogue has been hosted by the Sisters of St. Benedict at St. Mary Monastery in Rock Island. This year, the Muslim women will welcome their Christian friends to the Islamic Center of the Quad Cities, 6005 34th Ave., Moline. The first part of the dialogue, planned for […]

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Rivers flood in diocese

OTTAWA — A third major flood of 2008 has impacted the Diocese of Peoria, this time brought on by heavy weekend rains that swelled the Illinois River and other waterways to historic levels, especially in the LaSalle County area. Among the Catholic properties sustaining damage was Gould Stadium, the football field at Marquette High School, […]

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Budding catechetical leaders serve parishes

Even as parishes and schools throughout the Diocese of Peoria prepare to celebrate Catechetical Sunday this weekend, four young women are hard at work exploring the role they will play as ministers of “The Word of God in the Life and Mission of Church.” Laura Scrafford, Rebecca Mosca, Kathy Haninger and Anna Waechter are graduate […]

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Gown bridges five generations

WOODHULL — Woven into the cotton threads of Jane Streeter’s 100-year-old baptismal gown is a story of five generations of faith and tradition. The story begins in late 1908, when Sarah Walsh Cole made a baptismal gown while she was expecting the birth of her son, Richard Cole, Streeter’s father. He wore that gown at […]

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