
‘Nacho’ ordinary mission trip for Roanoke group

ROANOKE — It’s “nacho” orinary mission trip that a group of 10 teenagers and adults from St. Joseph’s Parish here are on this week. The group, headed by Cathy Bilow, left Satruday for a Catholic HEART Workcamp mission trip to Piedras Negras, Mexico, which boasts of being the birthplace of the nacho. But tourism and […]

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POST POLL: Recommend a book for a spiritual lift

Welcome to the “Post Poll,” an interactive feature of the new Web site of The Catholic Post. Every two weeks we will pose a new question for readers of both our online and print editions to consider. Our current topic is: Summer is a popular time to read books. We invite you to recommend a […]

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Quad Cities area hit hard by storm winds

ROCK ISLAND — Severe weather, including high winds clocked at above 90 mph, swept through central Illinois on Monday, July 21, causing extended power outages and damage to property and trees but leaving parish churches, schools and other Catholic facilities free of serious damage. Storm damage was widespread in the Quad Cities and the surroundingareas. […]

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First school lesson is for adults

It is said that confession is good for the soul. In this case, maybe it will be good for all the children who will be walking and riding bikes to school in the days to come, too. Last week I had the opportunity to spend time with Benjamin Jablonski, 3, and his family as I […]

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Catholic school year to open with Mass, luncheon Aug. 14

School pastors, parochial vicars and principals will gather at St. Mary’s Church in Kickapoo on Thursday, Aug. 14, to open the new school year with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC. It will begin at11 a.m. At the luncheon and meeting that follow at Kickapoo Creek Winery, the Diocese of Peoria will […]

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Cathedral to host monthly devotions for Sheen cause

The Diocese of Peoria is about to introduce monthly devotions at St. Mary’s Cathedral seeking the Blessed Virgin Mary’s intercessionin the canonization cause of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. Archbishop Sheen is a native of El Paso who was ordained a diocesan priest and later gained worldwide fame as a radio and television host, prolific author, […]

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Food for thought

By: Sister Michelle Rheinlander, OSB Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Aug. 3 Isaiah 55:1-3; Psalm 145:8-9,15-16,17-18; Romans 8:35,37-39; Matthew 14:13-21 Our readings today tell us of a very personal God as he presents himself through the prophet Isaiah in pre-Christian days and in Jesus, who became one of us. Each account presupposes that to reach […]

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Redesigned diocesan Web site debuts at

Just weeks before most diocesan offices move to a new pastoral centerunder construction, the Diocese of Peoria has completed a redesign ofits home in cyberspace. A new-look Web site for the diocese debuted July 18 at following months of planning and input involving nearly every Curia department, including The Catholic Post. “As you visit […]

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New Diocesan Safe Environment Program announced

The Diocese of Peoria this month implements a new “safe environment”training program for adult employees and volunteers who work with children and young people. The Diocesan Safe Environment Program consists of one-hour sessionsin a PowerPoint format, designed to help adults identify the signs that achild might be a victim of abuse or an adult might […]

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Roanoke parish will pray area’s soldiers home

ROANOKE — While for many in our country the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan seem political, in this community of 2,000 they’re personal. Nine soldiers from Roanoke and neighboring small towns including Benson are either deployed in those conflict areas or about to head there. On Sunday at St. Joseph’s Church in Roanoke, parishioners and […]

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