
Lithuanian archbishop says Western ideas have affected Catholicism

KAUNAS, Lithuania (CNS) — A Lithuanian archbishop said freedom and Western ideas have led to a resistance to Catholic teaching and severe clergy shortages in the former Soviet republic. “Freedom has brought people many possibilities, but most aren’t capable of using it responsibly, and this is also a test for the church,” said Archbishop Sigitas […]

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Respect life coordinators commissioned, hear issues

Photo Caption: Zachary Wichmann addresses parish respect life coordinators at the diocese’s annual Respect Life Workshop in Peoria last Saturday. By: By Jared Olar As the November general elections approach, parish respect life representatives need to remind Catholics to look to the church’s social teachings when deciding how to cast their ballots — and respect […]

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Gratitude on Labor Day

The big celebrations at the newly and wonderfully expanded St. John’s Catholic Newman Center at the University of Illinois will be next weekend, Sept. 6-7, but we have a suggestion for this weekend that applies not only to that large faith community but all Catholics of our diocese: Use the occasion of Labor Day to […]

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What does God think?

By: By Sister Michelle Rheinlander, OSB Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Aug. 31 Jeremiah 20:7-9; Psalm 63:2,3-4,5-6,8-9; Romans 12:1-2; Matthew 16:21-27 What profit would there be to gain the whole world with all its power, material wealth and prestige and forfeit one’s life? That age-old question is still critical in our 21st century just as […]

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Deacon Earl Hietter dies at 79; funeral Mass is Saturday

PEORIA HEIGHTS — A funeral Mass will be offered at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 30, in St. Thomas Church here for Deacon Earl E. Hietter, 79, a permanent deacon of the Diocese of Peoria since 1979 who served in parishes in Washington, Canton, and Peoria Heights. Deacon Hietter, a former principal of Sacre Coeur School […]

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Bishop poses questions at Irish festival

Calling all Catholics to be “students of Christ,” Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, gave an exam of sorts Sunday to hundreds gathered beneath a tent for a Mass on the grounds of Peoria’s “Erin Feis” Irish festival. The key question he asked the mostly green-clad assembly to consider was the one Jesus posed to his […]

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Viewers react to move of EWTN by cable service

Adding the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) to its growing list of high definition channels that are offered digitally was Comcast’s way of improving service to customers in central Illinois, according to the vice president for communications and public affairs in the cable company’s greater Chicago region. “Because of strong customer demand for HD programming, […]

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No ‘easy way out’ for voters

NORMAL — There is no “taking the easy way out” for Catholics who must form their consciences according to God’s truth and then, after prayerful reflection and study, make prudent choices at the ballot box during an election year. “The church doesn’t endorse candidates, doesn’t tell us for whom to vote,” said Msgr. Douglas Hennessy, […]

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Survey, diocese-wide Mass among schools events planned

Several gatherings and activities to support and celebrate the Catholic school community of the Diocese of Peoria are planned for September, including the Diocesan All Schools Mass and a meeting and surveys as part of the diocese’s long-range planning. Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, will celebrate the All Schools Mass at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, […]

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Scripture scholar challenges senior priests of the diocese

HENRY — Pope Benedict XVI will bring together 250 bishops from around the world in October to discuss “The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church,” but the senior priests of the Diocese of Peoria had him beat by nearly two months. When they gathered at King’s House of Retreats for […]

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